New York

373 9 1

When I wake up this morning, I felt hungry. I took a quick shower before going down.

I'm about to enter in the kitchen when I heard the arguments inside.

"No, she smell apple last night." Deus said.

"She smell lemon!" Tony's half yell voice echoed.

"But when she passed, she was smell like coffee." I heard the soft voice of Liana.

"Since we moved here in her house, she was always smell like ethanol." It was Peter.

"So? What's the problem in my perfume?" I can't help not to say something because I'm the reason they are arguing.

I sat beside Renz, in front of me is Deus. John put the bowl of rice in front of me with chopsticks above. He also gave me the separate plate with bacon and egg. "Itadakimasu." I clapped my hand three time and eat.

"Rice?" Liana asked. "You're a heavy eater in breakfast?"

"No, Rose is a half Japanese and rice is one of the most important food for them." Renz answered him knowing that I'm not going to say anything while I'm eating. "And Liana, don't talk to her while she's eating." He mentioned what's on my mind.

"Why?" Curious Peter asked.

"She said, she can't taste the food properly when she's eating then talking." John is the one answered.

"Eh? But when we were in Cinque Terre, she's talking to me while we were eating." It was Peter who said that and Deus nodded in agreement.

My assassins looked at me asking a silent question. I put down my chopsticks and looked at them. "I need to talk to him because I don't know where the hell I am plus I just waked up from the long sleep, I forgot who am I."

"Valid?" Tony asked John.

John and Renz just shrugged.

"What do you mean 'valid'?" Liana cut in.

"If its not valid, we need another answer from her and if ever we are not convince, we are going to challenge her." Renz answered her.

Deus frowned. "Challenge? Are you going to hurt her?"

I want to laugh at his sudden reaction but I stopped myself. His random reaction makes me happy.

"I wish." Tony chuckled. "We can't even give her a single punch, she's our master because of everything."

"Forget about that." Peter interrupted their conversation. "Go back to our confusion, why do you have different smell in the same time?"

They all looked at me, waiting for my answer.

I sighed. My assassins never asked me about that or they just never talk about my perfume.

"Is she also smell coffee to you?" Liana asked Renz and all eyes looked at him.

"No," he shook his head. "She smell ethanol to me."

"I'm correct." Peter cheered. "Renz and I have the same smell about you so we're correct." The grinned in his face widen.

"Unfortunately, there is no correct or incorrect. That perfume is one of my shield." Everyone became silent. "It's not an ordinary perfume. I spent my millions and time for the chemicals and experiment. I also traveled around the world just to gather all of my ingredients. So," I inhaled deeply. "Peter, I smell ethanol to you and Renz because you two have the same environment, too much exposure in medical chemicals. Liana," I looked directly to Liana. "I smell coffee to you because of too much electricity in your body. Electricians who always expose in electricity have different body temperature and even the small nerves in your brain was affected. And Tony, I smell lemon to you last night because you didn't eat properly this past few days. Your brain nerves was also affected because of your improper diet. Sometimes, I smell beacon to you because of too much radiation in your body."

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