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It's been thirty five hours when we arrived in my house and I locked my self in room. I didn't bother to eat because I'm  not hungry. I just want to lay down in my bed and sleep.

But now, I'm wide awake. 

I moved and ran the water in my bathtub. I dipped my tired body in the warm water. I don't know why I felt so tired when I didn't do anything.

I closed my eyes but the moment my eyes closed was the moment I remembered Deus again.

Heck! I hate him! I hate him for giving me this anxiety just like when he told me he fell in love with me. For the first time, I felt self-conscious, I was curious about my self for the first time. Can I stand in his side if the time will come?

I opened my eyes and I realized that the water became colder. I stood up and get dress. I decided to go to my library.

When I entered, I saw a familiar figure in my favorite place.

"Do you believe in supernatural?" Dues asked without looking back.

I frowned. "Are you asking me?"

"Yes." He looked at me.

"How did you know I'm here?" I asked him.

He answered me with a deep sigh. "I saw you entered because of this." He pointed the thin concave mirror in the fire place. "John told me that if I can't figure out who's behind me without looking back, I need to try to look around in front me if there is something useful to see who's behind me." I sat in front of him and he continued. "He said that if I find nothing, I need to use my sense of smell which is very easy if you are the one behind me." I raised my right eyebrow. "You see, you have this unique perfume."

"And I smell like what?" I asked him because of my curiosity. I know I smell like something but it depended on what kind of sense of smell the person have.

"You smell like an apple. A fresh apple." My eyes widen. "The same perfume I smelled in my last charity ball attended."

"Really?" I'm impressed. But I'm not going to explain why I smell apple to him.

"So, do you believe in supernatural?" He showed me the book about werewolf.

I studied his face. He is really a beautiful man. "You know," my voice was very low that almost like a whisper. "I wish, they were true." Small smile drew in my lips.  "Back when I was in Japan, I always watching anime and I wish that oni and yokai are true. I want to fight them because in anime, they are very strong but I can't find them." I gave him a deep sigh before I continued. "But when my father sent me to America, my imagination changed because in America, they have werewolves, vampires, fae and other supernatural."

"You wish they were true?" He asked me again. I want to laugh in his reaction.

I stopped my self for not laughing in his face so I answered him with seriousness in my face. "Yes. And you know what?" He nodded. He was seriously listening to me. "According to my books I read, werewolves became beautiful creation when they shifted. Same as vampires, their features became more beautiful after they turned."

"And?" He really wanted more.

"I think, you are one of them." I smiled at him.

"Huh?" My smile widen because of his confusion.

"Every female can't resist your handsome face, did you know that?" I teased him. I don't know if he's going to realize that I'm teasing him.

"I think, that's not true." He suddenly dropped his head. "Because you can."

I frowned again. I'm about to speak again when I sense the familiar figure in my back and before I move, his long arms was automatically snaked in my body.

"Uhm, smell lemon." Tony whispered but my ears absorbed his words like yell.

"You are always looking in your computer and that's the reason you always forgot about proper diet." I sighed. When I looked at Deus, his jaw dropped and his eyes widen.

"Oh, Mr. Black, I'm Tony Fujikawa, your new chairperson in network production." He introduced himself.

Deus face darken and I can tell that he's angry. "Can you place take your arms out of Rose body?" Tony immediately get his arms out of me and stood up.

"Whoa! Deus and his command." Renz happy voice broke the irritating aura of Deus. Behind him is Liana that wearing white dress.

John and Miguel followed him.

"Who's the girl behind you?" Tony asked.

Liana moved her body behind Renz to cover herself from Tony.

"Her name is Liana," I answered Tony. "She's the newest member of your family."

"Wow, another member huh?" He moved towards Liana. "And a shy one."

I cannot see his face but I can guess that his grinning widely.

When he is about to get a glimpse of Liana, she moved to the side of Renz, circling him in the middle.

"What's her problem?" He irritatedly asked Renz.

Renz wrapped his arms to Liana and mirrored the expression of Tony. "Like what you said: a shy one."

"Ugh!" He dropped his butt in the carpet and cupped his face. "First, Deus Black then Liana, the new Fujikawa."

"Ahm, Rose, I heard Deus shouted that's why we came here." Miguel said.

I looked at sulking Deus in the corner. I know what's on his mind and maybe he is thinking that I didn't mind that.

"He's jealous." I told him the nearest word that I found in my brain.

"Jealous?" Tony exclaimed. He looked at me then to Deus then looked at me again.

I watched Deus who's staring in the fire in front of him. I remembered that he's the reason why I locked my self in my room.

When he announced in the media about me, I was shocked. Surprises never got me but Deus surprise hit me.

I want to kill him that time but how? He's my saviour, my damn hero!

I looked around and I saw Peter leaning in the far end of the bookshelf.

I masked my self with heavy dead face and stood up. "Yes, he's jealous. If your girlfriend was hugged of a man you didn't know in front of you, I bet, he's already dead."

"Girlfriend?" Tony asked me. Everyone gave me their confuse look including Deus.

I walked pass to sitting Tony before answering him. When I'm about to open the door, I stopped. "I'm afraid you cannot hugged me like that again. Deus is my boyfriend. Good night."

After I closed the door, I heard their questions of what, when, how and many more questions but I didn't dare to go back.

Soon, my mask will fall and break because of them.

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