Found You!

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Rose Asakura POV

After my short story about why I'm not like other assassins, I fell asleep.

It's not my habit to sleep while traveling but after Peter treated me, I always want to sleep. Maybe, he used some medicine that my body can't handle. Yeah, maybe.

I wish my doctor can answer me.
When I was ten years old, I discovered his ability to become an assassin. He told me once that he want to become a doctor so he can atone his sin for killing people. He didn't said it twice because I enrolled him in Harvard to become a doctor.

I hate to remember the past, after what happen to me, I promised not to remember anything about past. I always looking for future. That's the reason why Renz became my doctor.

I know that if I invest for future, I can also harvest what I invested for future.

I want to open my eyes but it remained close. I can hear Deus heart beating. I need to do something so I can totally wake up.

I shaked my head. "Hey Peter," Peter looked at me. "What medicine did you used to treat my wounds? I'm always feel sleepy." My sleepy voice can't hide.

"Nothing in particular. I just gave you something to replace the food you needed while you were sleeping." He faced me and putted is hand in my forehead. "You don't have fever. I think it's because of what happened to you." He turned his back.

I frowned. I'm about to asked again but Deus hand reached mine. "Rose, you are swimming in your own blood when I found you. I think what Peter want to tell you is your blood count drop."

"Wow," Peter chuckled. "That's correct, Dr. Black."

"Shut up!" Deus glared at Peter and he squeezed my hand before he drop it.

In the corner of my sight, he looked outside the window. My eyes remained in my hand that Deus squeezed.

I have dirty hands. How many lives did I ended with my own hands?

I gulped.

"Hey, don't worry about it." It was Miguel. "Weeds can kill easily." I looked at the rear mirror and I saw his assuring smile.

I looked outside and I found out that it's already dark. I checked Deus wristwatch and it's already 10:00 PM.

"Guys, I think, we need to eat." I said. Although I don't feel hungry, I want them to know that its already late.

I looked at Deus and I saw his wide grin. "I told you guys, she's going to ask for food."

"What?!" My voice was slightly raised. "I'm human too." This is the first time I think I'm human. Everything happened to me was inhuman.

Peter laughed. "Yes, yes. Sorry about that, we can't stop to eat so we just ordered in a drive thru." He gave me the paper bag. "We don't know what food you want so we just ordered a random food, maybe one of it is the one you like."

"Nah, I'm not choosy." I opened the paper bag, there's a box that smell spaghetti, burger and another box that smell like chicken. I choose the last box and gave back the paper bag to Peter. "Thank you."

Again, I saw the grin of Deus. "What?" I frowned.

"It's my choice." The grin in his face widen. "I told them that you like rice. And I'm correct, though I don't know what do you want for your viand."

I'm about to open the chopsticks paper when there's something that I remembered. "Chopsticks?" I asked mindlessly.

"Deus said he won't pay what we ordered if they don't have chopsticks." Peter said while laughing.

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