Chapter 37

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I swiveled around with a jerk. What was Chase doing in a ladies' restroom? There was no one there beside me, and a wave of dread crept over my entire being from the way his eyes raked over my body. 

"What are you doing here?" I inquired, trying hard to keep my voice firm. 

Chase took a step toward me instead of replying to my question. I took a step back, and my back collided with the counter.

"This is a ladies' restroom," I blurted out in fear when he took another step forward.

"Shhh," Chase raised his hand, silencing me, and said, "There is no need for you to rile up. I am only here to have a chat." 

It didn't look right. If Chase only wanted to talk to me, then he could have done it in the ballroom itself instead of following me to a secluded restroom. My palms began sweating as his hungry gaze traveled on my body. 

I felt ants crawling on my skin wherever his gaze grazed it. His empty blue eyes contained madness in them, which made my heart shiver like a dry leaf. 

"What do you want, Chase?" I asked, my voice shaking from my inner dread.

"Who are you to him?" He asked back in a strange tone. 

"What?" I was bewildered by his strange behavior.  

"You mean something to him," Chase murmured, engrossed in deep thoughts. 

"I don't mean anything to Logan. He hates me," I objected. 

Logan hurt Chase by taking away his girl, and indeed, Chase was looking for a way to pay him back. I didn't want to be the collateral in the clash of those two egoistic men. 

"I know you do. Logan never cares about any woman. It doesn't matter to him if his fuck buddies slept around. But he didn't like me to be around you. Why is that?" Chase seemed to be speaking to himself. 

His odd behavior creeped me out. I should have trusted my instincts when it signaled to me when I met Chase. There was something wrong about that man; he wasn't acting or looking normal. Especially his eyes looked haunted and contained a strange emotion.

"You are mistaken. Logan doesn't care about anyone," I forced the words out of my mouth.  

Chase covered the distance between him and me in angry strides and grabbed a fistful of my hair. 

"Don't lie to me," he growled in my face. 

"I….I…. am not lying," I stammered, terrified. 

He yanked my hair ruthlessly, and a painful cry escaped my mouth. I struggled to free myself from his hold, but he only pulled my hair roughly. 

"I saw and heard everything on the terrace," he roared. 

I felt my heart stop beating for a second. Chase was on the terrace when Logan dragged me over there? He heard our conversation and watched everything. My stomach dipped in anxiety. 

"He never asks any woman to stay away from men. He did to you, tell me who you are?" He jerked my hair, pulling my face backward. 

"You are hurting me," tears pricked at the corners of my eyes from the pain in my scalp. 

"Shut the fuck up and tell me what relation you have with Logan," Chase yelled in my face, and I closed my eyes in fear. 

He acted as a man possessed. I didn't have any idea how to answer him. If I told him the truth, there was a danger of him using that information to blackmail me and Logan. There was also a danger of him exposing my secret to the people I was hiding from. 

"Help," I cried out with all my might, and he yanked my hair again with such force that stars danced in my vision. 

I tried to shout for help again, but he covered my mouth with his hand. I thrashed my arms and legs to free myself from his grip, but he pinned me to the nearest wall. He pressed his body against my back and crushed my face into the wall with his hand still gripping my hair. 

"Bitches like you need to be taught a lesson," he growled in my ear, and I froze in terror. 

He grabbed the hem of my dress with his free hand and pulled it upward roughly until it bunched around my waist. Realizing his intent, I tried to fight him, but he gripped both of my hands and pinned them at my back. Kicking my legs apart with his knee, he grabbed my panties, but before he could rip them apart, the door to the restroom opened with a loud bang. 

I turned toward the door, and my eyes met an enraged pair of deep brown eyes. 


"Logan, please help me," I cried out desperately. 

He took in the scene and, the next second, ripped Chase away from me. I turned around to face them and watched Logan punching him in the stomach. 

"How dare you lay your dirty hand on her," Logan roared in anger as he grabbed Chase by his jacket and punched him in the face. 

Chase swung his hand at Logan, but Logan ducked his head at the last moment, making him miss.

"I will destroy you," Chase spat in hatred, trying to hit Logan again. 

"Not before I kill you for touching Christina," Logan punched him again. 

Chase's head fell back from the force, but Logan pulled it forward with a jerk and punched him again. I was frozen on the spot, watching Logan beat the shit out of Chase Van Doren. 

My heart thudded hard against my ribcage as I wondered what could have happened if Logan didn't show up at the right moment. Bile rose in my throat as I realized Chase would have raped me in his quest for vengeance against Logan. 

"You cannot guard the bitch at all hours of the day," Chase's voice slurred from the beating he got from Logan. 

"If you touch a hair on her head, I will kill you in the most painful way imaginable," there was no mistaking the promise in Logan's threat. 

Despite the hatred that he harbored for me, Logan couldn't let anyone else hurt me. I wasn't sure if I should cry or rejoice in that revelation. 

I don't know why but watching Logan beat the shit out of Chase for trying to hurt me turned me on. Logan had always been possessive and protective of me, but I had never thought he would still protect me after my betrayal.  

Deep down somewhere in Logan's heart, there were still feelings for me apart from his immense hatred. If I could reach out to that part of Logan that still cared for me and wanted me to be safe, maybe we could have a future.  

 I watched Logan loosen his grip on Chase's jacket, and his unconscious body fell to the floor. I stared at him in bewilderment; he had just knocked out Chase, and there was no one between him and me.

"I warned you to stay away from him," Logan's eyes burned with rage.  

"I didn't know he would do something like this," my voice trembled as I took in his enraged state. 

"You went ahead and defied me, Christina," Logan stepped over Chase's body, and my breath hitched. 

His warning rang in my ear that he would fuck me the moment I defied him, and looking at his furious state, I had no doubt Logan would go ahead with his threat. 

"He followed me here," I tried to make an excuse to save myself from his wrath. 

Logan took a threatening step towards me. I took a step back and collided with the restroom door. Before I could open the door and escape, Logan was onto me and pinned me against the door.

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