Nothing I Can't Handle

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"You are very different from all the other firefighters I've met. They're usually... well for lack of a better word, asshole meatheads."

"That must just be your firefighters in D.C. All the firefighters I know here are very kind." Despite his aversion to dating, Eddie is actually having a nice time talking to this woman. Of course he doesn't feel anything more than friendship, but the conversation is nice.

"Really, even your friend, Buck?"

Eddie can't stop himself from laughing. "Buck is one of the kindest people I've ever met. Firefighter or not. Now I know you judge people based on their appearance, because if you even paid attention to him for a second at that fire, you would have seen it." He points at her with his fork.

"I guess he was just not the one I was focused on." She smiles. Even Eddie has to admit that she's good at flattery. Good enough to make him blush a little. It wasn't often that people paid attention to him before Buck. He of all people definitely understands why. He can look at Buck all day... literally. When he can't see him in front of him, he tries to conjure up an image in his mind. He feels like he gets pretty close, but it's never the real thing. "There's something I want to talk to you about before we... take this any further." Her voice interrupts the image of Buck floating in his head.

"I uhh... yeah sure. What is it?" Usually, he's the one who has to say that. Tell the girls that all he wants is something casual. Eddie's worried he might be getting a different speech. That she might want more.

"I'm only in town as long as this case goes on, and despite loving it here, I'm going to make sure it's solved as fast as possible. That being said... I think it's best if we keep things casual. I don't want to get attached, and then have to leave."

"I think that's a great idea."

"Really? I mean men usually tend to agree, but they are always shocked when I'm the one to say it."

"I think it's perfectly normal for anyone to want a casual relationship. We all have our preferences. I can't do anything besides casual right now anyway..."

"Already doing casual with someone else?"

"I uhh... something like that."

"Well, no reason to stop on my account." She smiles and it's actually calming. Eddie thought Buck's smile was the only one with that power. He thinks it's more the circumstance than her smile, but still. He feels calmed.

"That's good to hear."

"Was Agent Carter boring too?" That's usually the excuse Eddie uses when he walks into Buck's apartment. Boring, or just not his type.

"Actually, I had a great time with Lillian... I would just rather be here." He grabs Buck's shoulder and rubs it slowly. "You aren't still mad at me, are you?"

"I... I was never mad, Eddie. I just didn't want to hear you apologize for something you have a choice in doing. If you apologize, it gives me hope that this whole thing is going to change. You've made it very clear that it's not. I don't want hope, Eddie."

"Buck I... I didn't realize-" He drops his hand. He can't get himself to look Buck in the eyes.

"You do realize. I know you do, Eddie. I just want to stop dancing around this and call it what it is." He looks back up at him, thinking a little eye contact is the least he deserves. "It's a casual relationship that has the potential to be more, but you won't let it because you're scared. I can't force it to be more all on my own, so it has to stay the way it is. I am not going to force this to be anything but what it is, Eddie, but you need to accept what it is too."

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