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"Diaz!" Eddie is jolted awake when he feels a smack on the back of his head.

"Shit, what the hell was that for, Derek?" He rubs the back of his head where he was just hit.

"Since when do you fall asleep in class?"

"I was up late last night, okay?"

"What could possibly be keeping you busy all night? We all know you don't have a girlfriend keeping you up."

"I've got better things to keep me up."

"Better than a girl? Are you sure you aren't queer, Diaz?"

"You know I can't date, my parents would kill me."

"You think you would have tried to break that rule at least once."

"Hey, I did kiss that one girl a few years ago."

"Yeah, and then you said you didn't like it."

"I didn't like her."

"She was a girl, she was hot. You should have at least enjoyed kissing her. You consistently using your parents as an excuse not to date doesn't make you sound any less gay."

"Dude." The guy on the other side of Eddie leans over to talk. "There is nothing wrong with being gay."

"Shut up. You're just saying that 'cause you're a homo too."

"Hey. You can make fun of me all you want, leave Leo out of it. I'm your friend, but you're just bullying him."

"Why? Is he your boyfriend?"

"My parents wont even let me date girls. Can you imagine what they'd do if I brought a guy home?"

"Haha. You think you're so funny, don't you? Since when are you guys friends anyway?"

"Dude, he's sat next to us this entire school year. I talk to him on a daily basis. We've both known him for nearly five years. I'd say you should know we're friendly by now."

"Whatever... Are you coming to the lake for ditch day tomorrow?"

"I have better things to do than sit by a lake and drink with you."

"There's a lot of other people going. It's not just me."

"Still can think of a million better things to do. I'd rather have my sisters ditch and hang out with them."

The bell rings and Derek immediately leaves the room. This close to graduation he doesn't bother taking anything out for class, so there is no need to put anything away.

"Hey, thanks for standing up for me." Leo gives him a gentle tap on the arm as he speaks.

"Just returning the favor, and I think you're pretty cool. You don't deserve to get shit just because you're into dudes."

He lets out a small laugh. "Thanks?"

"You know what I mean." Eddie laughs too, throwing his backpack over his shoulder and walking towards the door.

"Eddie, wait!" Leo chases after him. "I uhh... would you want to hang out sometime? I mean before we graduate and forget about each other completely."

"Yeah, sure. Just let me know when. Last few weeks of senior year. Not exactly busy with homework."

"Would today after school work?"

"Yeah. I have to text my sister and let her know I can't walk home with her, but as long as I can get her to answer before then, we should be good."

"Okay, I'll meet you by the gates?"

"Yeah, sounds good." Eddie smiles as he nods and walks off to his next class. He sits down and takes out his phone.

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