Lost Space

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A/N: Sorry, once again, for the very late update, but it, once again, was not the best week for me. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy this and don't hate me.

"Have you talked to Sophia?"

"Yeah, she called while you were at work. Chris and I talked to her for a while. She still doesn't like that I made her leave. I just couldn't watch her scroll through the photos of everyone having fun with the movie anymore."

"I'm sure she'll be happy she went once she can see you're doing better. What about Adriana?"

"Yeah, got bored so we called her too. She's back at work, doing good. She's worried about me too. I try telling them that I've got you taking care of me, and that seemed to ease their minds a little bit."

"But they're still your sisters, and they still worry."


"You guys do anything else while I was at work?"

"We went to the park." Chris is the one to answer him.

"Wanted to try and get some kind of sun, but you know... December." LA December, but still December. "Walked around a bit. I think I'm doing even better."

"That's great, Baby." He squeezes his leg under the table. "I'm glad you're feeling better."

"Only a few more days, then I can start working out." Eddie smiles. Still two months till he can go back to work, but he wants to start getting back in shape as soon as possible. He keeps insisting he feels good enough to start now, but Buck pushes him back, tells him not to. Sure, Eddie has complete autonomy over his body, but he just can't help but listen to Buck sometimes.

"Mhm." He smiles back as he picks up the empty plates from the table. He leans down, giving Eddie a quick peck on the lips before going into the kitchen.

Chris leans towards Eddie, waiting to hear the water run before speaking, still keeping his voice low. "Is Buck living with us?"

"What? I-" Eddie is about to say no. Of course he's not... but then he thinks about it. They sleep in the same bed every night; Buck comes straight to them as soon as he gets off work. He cooks dinner. "I don't know. Do you think he's living with us?"

"I don't know. Shouldn't you know? I mean he's your boyfriend."

"Yeah, he is... We haven't talked about it though... would you be okay if... if I asked him?"

"If you asked him if he's living with us, or if you asked him to move in?"

Sometimes having an intelligent kid can be infuriating. There is no reason his kid should practically tell him his boyfriend is living with him. "Both?"

"Yeah. I like having Buck around this often. His cooking is a lot better than yours-"

"You could have just said yes. You didn't have to hurt my feelings in the process."

"You know you're a bad cook, it shouldn't hurt your feelings. Not like you don't eat Buck's food quicker than I do."

"Fine, I guess that's fair. You- You're happy with all of this, right? I mean Buck and I. I know we never really talked about it. I knew you already knew but I... I still should have asked if you were okay with it."

"You got shot and can't go to work for two more months and I have still never seen you happier. Not even... not even with mom, and there were moments you were really happy."

Of course they had their ups and downs, but Eddie was married to his best friend, of course there were good moments. There were great moments for the small bit of time they had all together. He's happy Chris got to see the best of both of them, even if it wasn't for long.

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