I Can't Stop

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"How are you feeling?" Lillian sits down on the bed next to Eddie where he is still refusing to get up from.

"Much better. The water and aspirin are starting to kick in. God, please never let me drink that much again." He rubs his head with his thumb and two middle fingers.

"I didn't let you do anything. I think we both know no one can tell you what to do."

"Look, I don't remember much, but I do remember you having me take a few sips of your martinis last night."

"The only reason I kept offering is because I know you like them but don't think they're manly enough to order for yourself. Which is absolutely ridiculous, may I add. Because..." She puts her hand on his stomach and slowly slides it up to his chest as she leans in close. "You are perfectly manly enough for me." She closes the gap between them, slowly pressing her lips to his. Her tongue slips in between his lips and he allows it, then copies her motion. He's gotten good at that. Just copying whatever she does.

She is so happy, and he wishes she was Buck, and he's too tired and hungover to push the thought out of his mind, so he pulls away. She gets a bit of a confused face. "Sorry... I just still have a headache." Excuses, another thing he's gotten good at.

"Yeah, of course. It's okay." She smiles as she rolls onto her back so she lays beside him. "Eddie... you uhh... you said something last night and I just wanted to talk to you about it."

"Oh god, what did I say? I always say the most embarrassing shit when I'm drunk." The most honest things. They only became embarrassing once he sobered up. "If what I said is scaring you away, just pretend I didn't say it please." He is still trying to laugh it off, hoping it really isn't anything bad.

"No, not scaring me off at all..."

"Okay, then what is it?" His calmness gives her hope that he really did mean it when he asked her to meet Chris, even if he was drunk out of his mind.

"Well, after I caught you and Buck..." She pauses because she's nervous to bring it up, but Eddie fears that it is for a completely different reason.

"Caught me and Buck what? What were we doing?" He manages to move enough to turn and face her, partially propping himself up with his hand. He's happy she doesn't clock the quickness of his speech. He doesn't need her knowing he's nervous... worried.

"Wow, you really don't remember much, do you?" She laughs it off and it calms Eddie only a little bit. She turns to face him the same way he turned to face her.

"No, I remember everything up till Buck finally left that girl alone, then things are hazy up till I left to go out back, then nothing. What were Buck and I doing?" Eddie keeps telling himself that if it were anything bad, then she would have freaked, ran. He would not be in her bed right now... but what if something did happen and she just brushed it off as him being really drunk? No...no.

"I... you know, I actually don't know." She laughs realizing she never actually got an explanation. "You said you'd be gone for a minute or two, it felt like it had been much longer, so I went to look for you. You were standing out back with Buck. He insisted that you both just stood there and didn't speak, but I feel like you were definitely talking about something when I found you." Eddie just stares at her, hoping that she can tell him what they were talking about. She thinks he's hoping for her to not be angry... which to be fair, that is another hope of his. However, it's more hoping he didn't do anything worth being mad at. "I don't care that you didn't tell me... I know you and Buck have a different kind of friendship, and I don't want to come in between that. Even when you two are barely speaking. I don't expect you to tell me what you talked about."

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