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"Do you have to go?" Eddie whiles from the bed as he watches Buck get dressed for his first day back at work.

"Eddie, do you think I would give up spending all day in bed with you if I didn't have to?" Buck would take doing absolutely nothing with Eddie over doing anything else, even if that thing is work.

"Take me with you then." He sits up and gets on the edge of the bed. He gives him pleading eyes. He doesn't want to sit at home, sure, but he also just doesn't want to be away from him.

"To work?"

"Yeah. I mean, I still can't really get around by myself. Chris will be at school all day. I could call Sophia and ask her to come help, but I really don't want to. I wanna see everyone anyway... maybe we could tell them about us."

"Oh you wanna come to work so you can tell everyone that I'm your boyfriend now, don't you?" He teases him slightly, but he loves this. Now Eddie is the one who wants the whole world to know about them.

"Maybe. I mean, can you blame me? Look at yourself. Who wouldn't want to brag about dating you?" Oh and the complimenting? Eddie won't stop. Buck always pretends to have a big ego, but he hasn't believed a good word said about him till the words were coming from Eddie's mouth.

"You really wanna come?" Buck walks over and stands in front of him.

Eddie reaches his hands up and rests them on Buck's back, bringing him a bit closer. It takes him a moment with his hurt arm, but he does manage. "Mhm."

"Okay. Let's get you dressed then." He turns back into the closet to grab Eddie something to wear. "So, you wanna tell everyone at work... Do you think maybe we should tell Chris too?" He's hesitant to bring it up.

"I think it would confuse him."

Buck turns back to look at him with the most confused expression he can conjure up, because what the fuck does he mean it would confuse him? "What?"

Eddie looks to him and sees the absolute confusion, and a bit of anger. It takes him a moment to realize what he said, and what it sounded like he meant, then he laughs. "I mean I think he already assumes we've been together. He's said it to both of us. I think if we sat him down to tell him we're dating now, he would just be confused. He assumed we were dating the whole time. I don't think we have to tell him."

"Okay. I was really worried there for a second." He goes back to picking out clothes.

"I could tell. If you want to say something to Chris, we can, but I just really don't think it's necessary."

"Okay... so you don't care if I like... give you a kiss or something when he's around?"

"Buck, he sees us go into the same room to sleep every night, he knows we're together. No, I don't care if you kiss me when he's around." He says it like it's such a ridiculous thought that he couldn't.

"Yeah... okay."

He can tell Buck feels dumb for asking, and now he regrets using the tone he did. "Buck... I'm sorry. I just... I really don't care about any of that anymore. I understand how my behavior the past few months might make you weary of that though." He tries to fix it, and it seems to work at least a little. "Did you think I was avoiding kissing you when he was around?"

"I mean... a little."

"No at all, Baby. I'm sorry you thought that." He looks at him from the edge of the bed, wishing he could get up to give him a hug, maybe a few kisses just to prove how much he enjoys it.

"It's okay." He walks back over to him with some clothes. "Here we go."

"Sweats? Again?"

"They're easier for you."

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