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"Thanks for giving me a ride to work. I should have the Jeep back in like two weeks or so."

"It's no problem, really. What are friends for." Eddie looks over to Buck and gives him a quick smile before looking back at the road.

Buck tries to think of something else to say, but the word 'friends' trips him up. It's what they agreed on, but no matter what, that word will always feel wrong when describing their relationship. "Things are awkward, aren't they?"

"Yeah, but we're trying, and that's what matters, right? I mean if we keep trying, things have to go back to normal eventually."

"I know, I just really don't want things to be weird between us."

"Well they're going to be. I don't think this is easy for either of us... but we're driving to work together, and I think we're being pretty chill about it considering everything. It's awkward, but neither of us are trying to jump out of the truck, so that's a good sign."

"So we're good?"

"Of course we are, Buck... just uhh, try not to kill me when we get in there and they give you a cat shaped cake." He gets a slight smile on his face.

"You're kidding."

"Well, actually, I think it's a bunch of cupcakes made to look like a cat shaped cake, but yes."

"So you told them?"

"I told Hen when we were at the hospital because she was worried, so either she told Chim, or maybe your sister did... but either way, if Chim knows..."

"Everyone knows."

"Yeah, all I got was a picture of the cake. I swear I was not involved."

"I wasn't even that hurt, I didn't miss work, I don't need a cake."

"To be fair, you did miss a day."

"That doesn't count."

"It counts to them."

"They just want an excuse to have cake at work."

"And they always find one."

"Yes they do." Buck leans his head back on the seat, then slowly lets it fall to the side to get a good look at Eddie. He hopes he can't tell, but he doesn't care enough to not do it. His eyes go over the curves of his face, stopping at every part of him he likes. First his eyes, then his lips, then his neck. Why does Eddie have to be so damn attractive? It makes the whole moving on thing kind of hard. Just his friend... he keeps reminding himself that's all he can be. God is he going to miss kissing him.

He doesn't realize how long he's been staring until Eddie parks his truck and he realizes they're at work. He sees Eddie start to turn his head, so he quickly looks ahead to pretend he was never looking at him. "You ready to see everyone?"

"You know, if there's cupcakes, I think I'll manage." They get out of the truck and walk in. Buck is surprised when everyone isn't right there to meet them. "Hey! Where are the cupcakes!"

"Diaz, you told him?" Hen shouts from upstairs.

"I had no choice!" Eddie laughs as they head up the stairs

Hen lets Eddie pass, then stops Buck. "You two coming in together?" She whispers.

"I don't have a car at the moment, he's my best friend, he gave me a ride."

"So you two aren't..."

"No. Why does no one trust us?"

"Because you're you and he's him..."

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