Part 29

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*Danielle's POV*

"Dani that's like super intimate" Ben tells me.

Since that Sunday with Valentina 5 days have passed, we didn't really talk but we didn't ignore each other either, so that's something.

This is the first time I could initiate Ben into everything that happened, which is quite a lot.

I've never seen Valentina like that before, she was in so much pain and yet she still put herself together.

I told her about my mom, and I couldn't believe how good it felt, how good it felt when she told me it's not my fault, when we kissed, that kiss was so much more we ever had before.

"I don't know Ben, we know how Valentina is, it probably didn't mean anything for her" I say even though I don't know how much I believe it.

It's impossible that Valentina didn't feel what I felt, that kind of connection needs 2 people, it can't be one sided.

"Come on Dani, I'm sorry I might have agreed with you a while back, but that woman went out of her way to help me, she took me to her house-which by the way like damn looks amazing, it's no surprise since she is Valentina Powers but still, and she basically kept an eye on me whole night, so I'm sorry if I don't believe this 'I don't give a shit attitude' when she did all that for me and we didn't even sleep together" he says, sure he has a point, if someone who I don't even know would have done what Valentina has done for Ben, yeah I would like them forever too.

"Yeah well it's complicated" I say "About complicated how are things with you and Ethan, still don't talk to him?" I know Ben hates to talk about him, but suppressing your emotions are never good.

"Fuck Ethan I'm done with him" he says "Sure you are" I chuckle.

"What is that supposed to mean-" he gets cut off when my phone buzzes, I reach for it and see that Valentina has messaged me.

Valentina: Hey, how about those self defense lessons in 1 hour?

1 hour? Fuck I have to get ready.

Me: Valentina you really have to stop telling me everything last minute, but sure, send me the adress

She writes back immediately.

Valentina: I'm sorry darling, I promise I'll make it up to you. I'll send the location in a minute, tho I think you already know where it is

So she does that, the location she sends is basically her house, which to by now I know how to get by heart, okay so what? we enjoy sex, there's nothing wrong with that.

"Well at least she doesn't hate me" I say as I give Ben my phone so he can read what we just texted to each other.

"I promise I'll make it up to you? Girl, I don't think they are just innocent self defense lessons she wants to do with you" he says chuckling as he gives me my phone back.

"Shut up Ben, I'm sure she doesn't have any ulterior motive" I try to defend her

"Valentina Powers whose middle name could be Valentina 'Sex' Powers? Yeah I'm sure she doesn't have any ultirior motives" he says.

I roll my eyes "What is it about you thinking Valentina is a slut, anyway?" I ask because I genuinely don't know why Ben thinks she is some kind of sex monster, sure I tell him the stuff we do together, but other than that nothing.

"Uhm because she kind of is, don't get me wrong I love the woman but her reputation definitely precedes her" he scoffs a little "What is that supposed to mean?" I ask furrowing my brows I really don't know what's going on anymore.

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