*Danielle's POV*
We finally arrive at Harvard, this was a really thoughtful gesture from Valentina, we don't even know for sure I will get in and she already acts like I go here, which is a really good feeling, having someone believe in you that much.
"What do you say we check out the library first?" She asks as we start walking toward campus.
I just nod excitedly, I take her hand and she looks at me, oh shit maybe I shouldn't have, I go to take my hand out of hers but then she interlaces our fingers.
I blush at the gesture, we walk through campus and it's crazy it's basically like a beautiful park.
I can't believe I maybe will be studying here soon, seeing this whole place in life is so much more real than just seeing pictures.
After the library we start walking through everything, we stop at every building mapping what exactly is taught there.
"Why Harvard?" Valentina asks me after hours of walking.
"It's stupid" I tell her but she stops "Nothing is stupid involving you, please tell me" she asks me, I smile.
"So we were at a family gathering when I was 10, somehow the topic became what I want to be when I grow up, I think I always knew I wanted to be a lawyer, there is just something about standing up for people who have no one, also you seen me debate in your class and I just have a feel for it, so I told them lawyer, then my grandfather asked me where I wanted to go" I trail off "my father told me I can only go to the best place to college so I asked what is the best place my mother answered Harvard" I finish.
Valentina's hand start drawing circles over mine "She told me that place was her dream and that she actually got in, but she could never attend because she got pregnant with me" I say "After the events that took place I'm just even more sure I want this, she couldn't finish her dream so I will do it for her" I say, Valentina then stops.
I look at her confused, she then presses her lips against mine and pulls me into a long deep kiss, after we pull back I look at her "What was that for?" I ask her smiling.
"You are perfect" she tells me "and every step of the way your mother is here with you, you are standing in her dream right now, I'm more than sure she is smiling down at you" she says.
I pull her into a hug "Thank you" I say while my eyes are closed just feeling her skin against mine.
We pull away "You went to an Ivy League school how was that?" I ask her, she shrugs "You know lot of books but nothing I couldn't handle, and this will be nothing you couldn't handle" she says kindly.
"Would you ever wanna use your law degree? I mean be a lawyer?" I ask her interested.
"I'm not against it but honestly I probably won't, I have a company to run, a hobby beside it and a law firm coming in, I have my hands full" she says.
"Look there is a merch shop, lets go in there" I say excitedly as I run forward, Valentina follows me smiling.
We go into the shop "Hey can I help you with anything?" a girl asks me as she looks me up and down, is something wrong with my clothes?
"We are okay thank you" I thank her, I start looking through the hoodies, "I have to get this" I say as I take a hoodie down, Valentina takes it away from me "Choose two more" she says.
"No, everything is so expensive here" I whisper to her "Darling choose two more" she says.
"No" I tell her "Be happy that it's only 2 I said, I want to buy everything here for you I would buy this whole shop" she says.
"But you won't do that, I will choose two more" I say as I take down two another awesome hoodies.
We go to the cash the same girl there, I give my hoodies to her "Do you study here?" she asks me.
"I hopefully will" I answer "Hm well I really hope you will, my name is Ivy" she holds out her hand.
I take it "I'm Danielle" I introduce myself, Valentina then clears her throat "What about those hoodies?" she asks clearly irritated I just don't know at what.
"I love your hair, its so shiny" she tells me "Thank you, I like yours too" her hair is the same shade as mine, maybe a little darker blonde.
"We should meet up sometimes" she tells me, she wants to be my friend? "Yeah sorry sweetheart she can't make it" Valentina says.
"But-" Ivy starts "No but, she won't be meeting up with you and I would appreciate it if you stopped flirting with what's mine" she says before taking the bag Ivy put the hoodies in and heads out.
We get out "Flirting? I thought she was just nice" I shrug "No one is just nice when you are the one standing in front of them" she says her lips in a thin line.
"What is that supposed to me?" I ask her "It's supposed to mean that when someone looks like you people don't just wanna be friends" she finishes.
I don't know whether to be flattered or offended.
"Hey Valentina, slow down" she stops "What's wrong baby?" I ask her.
"Nothing, I just hate people who so obviously want you" she says, still not looking at me.
"Look at me" she finally looks at me "What you said in there was true, I'm yours not anyone else's" I say, her eyes soften.
"I don't care how many people want me, I don't care about any of them I'm yours, understood?" I ask.
She presses her lips against mine "You are damn right you are mine, I will ruin anyone's life who tries anything" she says in such a harsh voice I don't know to be afraid or turned on.
Oh who am I kidding, I'm definitely turned on.
"Come on I think we saw everything here, right?" I ask, Valentina nods.
It's already 5 in the afternoon, by the time we get back it will almost be dinner time.
"What do you say that we drive down to the beach and not to the hotel?" she asks me "I love that idea" I say.
"Put on Taylor Swift baby" she says and I smile, I swear to get the key to my heart is someone being interested in the things I'm interested in.
I put on my playlist, Valentina synced my phone to her car so we could listen to my playlists.
The drive is comfortable and fast, her hands trailing up on my thigh and my favorite songs are definitely a good combination.
We get there, and Valentina opens my door we step out onto the sand.
"Should we go find something to eat?" she asks me, I smile "Always, also I want cotton candy" I say as I take Valentina's hand again.
"You will get it, but at first real food" she says.
We start walking around the shore, looking for food trucks, I mean it is full with food trucks.
"How do you feel about Harvard now?" Valentina asks as we are walking around.
"Even better than before, now I feel I must get in there, I mean of course I felt like I must get in there before this too, but now that feeling multipled by a lot" I say.
"You will get in, I have no doubt about it" she says with a small smile.
I give her a smile "Come on, I'm starving" I say as I lead her to more food trucks.

Cold love {teacherxstudent, wlw}
RomanceDanielle Wilson is an 18 year old student starting her senior year in high school, what happens when she meets her new AP English and History teacher? Danielle has a tough home life, she knows she wants to get into Harvard and she knows what needs...