No Time To Die

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Mária's Pov:
I was Laying On The Floor and I Have Been Wanting Something So Badly Since Cole Gave Me Heroin A Few Days Ago, I Tried To Stop Thinking About it and I Have Been Wanting To See My Children So Badly But Cole Never Let's Me Leave This Room.

I Struggled Against The Chains and I Tried To Free Myself As I Screamed In Pain, Blood Dripped Down My Wrists and I Sobbed In Pain. I Screamed "Cole!" And He Heard Me As He Came, I Looked At Him and I Said Softly "Let Me See My Babies P-please.."

He Chuckled Lightly and Crouched Down Infront Of Me As He Unchained Me, He Picked Me Up And Placed Me Over His Shoulder.

He Said "Just This One Time.. But Then You're Going Back"

He Carried Me To a Room and My Eyes Widen As I Sighed In Relief When I Saw Tommy And Billy Sleeping Besides Each other, I Sobbed Softly and Cole Puts Me Down As I Crawled Towards My Babies.

I Laid Besides Them and I Kissed Their Foreheads As I Whispered Softly "Oh, My Beautiful Boys.."

Cole Watched Me and Licked His Lips As he Walked Towards Me, He Said "Mária.."

I Looked At Him and I Saw The Hunger In His Eyes As I Backed Away From Him, He Got On The Bed and He Grabbed My Legs While Pulling Me Towards Him.

I Kicked Him Off Of Me and I Ran Out Of The Room As He Screamed "Mária!"

I Ran Down The Hall Of His House and He Was Chasing Me As I Looked Around For an Exit, I Saw The Front Door and I Immediately Ran Towards It As I felt Time Slow Down.

He Grabbed His Gun From Behind His Pants and He Pointed it At Me As He Shot a Bullet, The Front Door Opens and I Saw Tom As My Eyes Widen.

The Bullet Hit My Chest and I Gasped Loudly As Tom Screamed "NO!"

Tom Shot Cole and It Hit Cole's Stomach As He Ran out Of Here, Tom Immediately Catched Me and Dropped His Gun As He Said "Mária! Stay with me! Please!"

I started Coughing Blood and I Looked Around As I Tried To Speak But Couldn't, I Tried To Stay Awake and It Was Getting Hard.

Everything Around Me Turned Stoic and Tom Was Trying To Stop The Bleeding As He Screamed At Bill "CALL 911! NOW!"

Bill Immediately Called Them and Told Them What Happened As Tom Tried To Keep My Conscious Awake, I Kept Coughing Blood and I Stared Into His Eyes.

I Saw The Tears Roll Down His Cheeks and I Raise My Hands Towards His Cheek As I Wiped Away His Tears, His Hand Gripped My Hand Tightly and I Smiled Weakly.

Was This The End Of My Story? No, This Can't Be The End Of It, There's No Time To Die Now. I Have Two Boys To Raise and Have a Boyfriend To Take Care Of, Maybe This Wasn't The End After All.

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