27. meeting the twins

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Third Person's PoV

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Third Person's PoV

The Maserati’s interior, once a silent witness to confessions and tender embraces, was now filled with the soft sounds of Sky’s laughter mingling with Kian’s steady heartbeat. They remained locked in an embrace, the world outside their cocoon momentarily forgotten, as they savored the warmth of their connection.

Five minutes passed—a brief eternity in the arms of the one you love—before the tranquility was shattered by a sharp rap on the window. Startled, Sky’s head shot up, her eyes wide with surprise. Kian, ever the protector, instinctively tightened his hold, a low growl of annoyance escaping him. It was a sound that seemed to echo the Maserati’s own displeasure at the interruption.

Through the tinted glass, the figure of Karl Rossi loomed, his face obscured by the reflection of the sun-drenched estate. He knocked again, more insistently this time, his impatience palpable even through the barrier between them.

Kian sighed, a theatrical display of irritation that was more for Sky’s benefit than a true reflection of his feelings. “It seems we have an uninvited chaperone,” he muttered, his voice laced with feigned exasperation.

Sky, her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and the remnants of their intimate moment, buried her face in Kian’s chest. Her voice was muffled as she whispered, “I can’t believe h-he caught us like this.”

Kian chuckled, the sound vibrating through his chest. “Well, knowing Karl, he’ll never let me live this down.” He gently nudged Sky, encouraging her to face the inevitable. “Come on, let’s see what the urgent matter is.”

Reluctantly, Sky lifted her head, her gaze meeting Kian’s with a silent plea for reassurance. Kian offered her a wink, a silent promise that everything would be alright.

With a deep breath, Kian pressed a button, and the window slid down with a smooth whir. Karl’s face appeared, an eyebrow raised in mock disapproval. “Am I interrupting something?” he asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

“Not at all,” Kian replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “We were just discussing the weather. It’s quite warm today, don’t you think?”

Karl’s smirk widened. “Oh, I can see that. The heat seems to be particularly intense inside this car.”

Sky, still nestled in Kian’s embrace, couldn’t help but giggle at the exchange. Her laughter seemed to break the tension, and even Karl’s stern expression softened.

“Alright, lovebirds,” Karl said, his voice now warm with amusement. “As much as I enjoy witnessing this rare display of affection from my stoic brother, we do have an important meeting to attend.”

Kian rolled his eyes, playing along with the charade. “Yes, yes, we’re coming. Let’s not keep the world waiting because of our little… detour.”

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