83. end it all

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Third Person's PoV

The soft knock roused Sky from her slumber, her body protesting as she stretched out her cramped limbs. She had curled up into a ball while sleeping, seeking comfort in the tightness of her own embrace. The flight attendant who had been so attentive with food and medicine stood at the door, his expression a mix of professionalism and concern.

“We will be touching down in ten minutes, Miss Greene,” he informed her. “You’ll need to return to your seat and fasten your seatbelt.”

Sky nodded, her mind still foggy with sleep. “I’ll f-follow,” she said, her voice hoarse from the dryness of the cabin air. She rose from the bed, smoothing out the creases in her clothes, and followed the attendant back to her seat. As she sat down and secured her seatbelt, the reality of her imminent arrival began to sink in.

The jet touched down smoothly, the wheels kissing the tarmac with a finality that echoed in Sky’s heart. As the aircraft taxied to a stop, she peered out the window to see a car waiting on the tarmac. The door opened, and Officer Martin emerged, his face wearing a soft smile that seemed to offer both comfort and sympathy.

He was accompanied by a couple of officers, their presence a stark reminder of the official nature of her return. Sky watched as her luggage was carefully loaded into the car, each piece handled with a sense of duty and respect.

Officer Martin approached the jet, his steps measured and his eyes kind. “Welcome back, Miss Greene,” he said as he offered his hand to assist her down the steps. “We’ll take care of everything from here.”

Sky turned to face the two flight attendants and the pilot who had now gathered behind her, their faces a blend of professionalism and warmth. Despite the turmoil within her, she mustered a small smile and said, “Thank y-you,” her voice soft but filled with genuine gratitude.

The flight crew nodded in response, their expressions showing a touch of empathy for her situation. “It was our pleasure, Miss Greene,” the pilot replied, speaking for the team. “We wish you all the best.”

With those final words of farewell, Sky stepped down from the jet, her heart heavy with the knowledge that this chapter of her life was closing. She followed Officer Martin to the waiting car, ready to face whatever lay ahead with the same quiet strength that had brought her this far.

As Sky settled into the car’s seat, she took a moment to make herself comfortable, adjusting to the firmness of the cushion beneath her. Officer Martin slid into the seat beside her, while the other officer took the wheel.

“Sky, this is Officer Reynolds,” Martin introduced, gesturing to the man in the driver’s seat. “He’s the lead investigator on your parents’ case.”

Officer Reynolds turned briefly, offering Sky a respectful nod. “It’s an honor to meet you, Miss Greene. We’re doing everything we can on our end,” he assured her with a tone that was both professional and empathetic.

Sky acknowledged the introduction with a nod, her mind racing with questions about the case, but she remained silent. The weight of the situation was heavy on her shoulders, and she felt the gravity of the investigation that was now a central part of her life.

Officer Martin reached into a small cooler beside him and offered Sky a bottle of water and a packet of cookies. “Here, you might be thirsty, and a little something to eat might help,” he said gently.

Sky murmured a soft “Thank you,” accepting the items with a nod. After a sip of water, she gathered her courage and whispered, “What really happened to my p-parents?”

The car was filled with a heavy silence as Officer Reynolds and Martin exchanged a glance. Finally, Officer Reynolds spoke, his voice steady but filled with a compassionate firmness. “Miss Greene, are you sure you’re ready to hear this now? We can take a moment if you need it. But rest assured, we won’t rest until justice is served.”

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