91. cooking for them

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Third Person's PoV

Kian approached the door, his playful pout still in place, and opened it to reveal Karl and Micah standing there, each holding a bouquet of flowers and an assortment of food in their hands. They were momentarily frozen, their eyes fixated on Sky, who had risen from the couch to stand beside Kian.

The air was thick with unspoken words, a tension stemming from memories of the past. Karl cleared his throat, breaking the silence. “Sky, these are for you,” he said, extending the flowers towards her, his voice tinged with a mix of regret and warmth.

Micah, shifting the food to one hand, offered his bouquet as well. “We… we wanted to apologize for last time,” he added, his gaze dropping to the floor, “and for everything with Krizah.”

Sky accepted the flowers, her eyes meeting theirs with a gentle firmness. “Thank you, Karl, Micah. What happened with Krizah wasn’t anyone’s fault. It was a difficult time for all of us,” she said, her voice steady and forgiving.

Kian watched the exchange, his pout replaced by a look of pride for Sky’s grace under pressure. “Come in, guys,” he invited, stepping aside to let them enter. “Let’s not dwell on the past. We have the present to enjoy, and food to share, thanks to you both.”

As Karl and Micah stepped into the warmth of the penthouse, the scent of fresh flowers mingled with the anticipation of a shared meal. They made their way to the kitchen, the heart of the home, where the evening light cast a soft glow on the polished surfaces.

Karl, with a spring in his step, placed the food on the marble countertop and turned to Sky with an eager smile. “Sky, we remembered how much you love Italian cuisine, so we brought you something special,” he said, unveiling a platter of golden-brown supplì. “We hope these bring back good memories.”

Sky’s eyes lit up at the sight of the crispy rice balls, her favorite snack. “Oh, Karl, Micah, you didn’t have to, but I’m so glad you did!” she exclaimed, her appreciation evident in her voice. “Supplì is indeed my favorite. How thoughtful of you!”

 How thoughtful of you!”

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(Photo from google)

Micah chuckled, relieved by her reaction. “Well, we couldn’t come empty-handed, especially after everything that’s happened,” he admitted, watching as Sky carefully arranged the supplì on a serving dish.

Kian leaned against the doorway, observing the three. “You guys always know how to make an entrance,” he commented, the corners of his mouth turning up in a fond smirk. “Now, who’s ready to eat?”

Sky placed her hand on Karl’s arm, halting his movement towards the array of snacks. “Hold on, everyone,” she said with a warm smile that lit up the room. “These treats look amazing, but let’s have a proper dinner first. I’ll whip up something special for us.”

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