86. never stopped loving you

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Third Person's PoV

As the evening settled in, the photoshoot wrapped up, marking another successful day in Sky’s career. The energy and focus she had poured into capturing M and K’s pre-wedding moments left her feeling both fulfilled and exhausted. Dinner time arrived, and Sky found herself seated at a table with a spread that promised comfort and satisfaction.

Krizah and Mr. M had already departed, whisked away to an important meeting that Mr. M insisted Krizah attend with him. Sky understood the demands of their busy lives and appreciated the moments they had shared earlier.

Christine joined Sky for dinner, her presence a friendly reminder that she wasn’t alone. They were served an American-style dinner, featuring grilled steak, roasted potatoes, a fresh garden salad, and warm dinner rolls. The aroma was inviting, and Sky allowed herself to relax as she savored each bite, the flavors a welcome treat after the day’s work.

Despite the delicious meal, Sky’s eyelids grew heavy, the lack of sleep from the previous night catching up to her. She sipped her coffee, the warmth and caffeine a gentle pick-me-up, as she and Christine engaged in light conversation. The day had been long, but the success of the photoshoot and the unexpected reunion with Krizah made every moment worth it. Now, as she enjoyed her dinner, Sky’s thoughts drifted to the possibility of seeing Kian again, a thought that both excited and unnerved her.

As the day’s work had come to an end, and the staff, including Christine, were tidying up after the eventful photoshoot. Sky, now alone at the table, had succumbed to her exhaustion. Her head rested on the table, her cheeks adorably squished against the surface, as she drifted into a peaceful slumber, unaware of the world around her.

In the midst of this serene moment, Kian arrived, dressed in a sharp suit, fresh from his meeting in Italy. He had taken the private jet to Canada, and now, he stood beside the sleeping Sky. A smile spread across his face as he took in her endearing form, her cheeks pressed softly against the table. She was wearing a beautiful dress that complemented her serene state, adding to the tranquility of the scene.

 She was wearing a beautiful dress that complemented her serene state, adding to the tranquility of the scene

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(photo from google)

Kian’s presence went unnoticed by Sky, who remained in the gentle grasp of sleep, her breaths even and calm.

As the cool evening air settled around the quiet venue, Sky, lost in her slumber, shuddered slightly from the chill. Kian, who had been watching her with a mixture of fondness and concern, noticed the subtle movement. Without a second thought, he carefully removed his suit jack and gently draped it over Sky’s shoulders. The fabric settled around her, providing warmth and comfort.

Kian settled into the chair beside Sky, his gaze softening as he watched over her. The quiet rhythm of her breathing was a soothing sound in the stillness of the evening. As the warmth of his jacket enveloped her, Sky shifted slightly in her sleep, a contented groan escaping her lips. The scent of pine and a hint of citrus from the jacket seemed to reach her even in her dreams, and she whispered a single word that made Kian’s heart stop for a moment, “Kian…”

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