84. three years...

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Third Person's PoV

Three years later...

Three years had passed and Sky’s life had transformed in ways she could never have imagined. She had channeled her grief into her passion for photography, and now, her work was celebrated across Canada. Her unique ability to capture moments of raw, unfiltered emotion had resonated with people, making her one of the most sought-after photographers in the country.

Last month marked another significant milestone in her journey of healing—her stutter, which had once been a source of self-consciousness, had completely disappeared. The countless hours of speech therapy had paid off, allowing her to express herself with newfound clarity and confidence. It was a testament to her resilience and determination to overcome the obstacles that life had thrown her way.

Sky’s reputation as a photographer had soared, leading her to work with celebrities across the USA. Her portfolio was a dazzling array of faces and stories, each captured through her lens with an intimacy that only she could evoke.

Now, she was on her way to a photoshoot with a couple known only as M and K, who were planning their wedding for the next year. The air was thick with anticipation; Sky felt a flutter of excitement mixed with nerves. She knew the groom’s influence was vast, his name a weighty presence in the industry. The mystery surrounding their identities only added to the allure of the assignment.

As she prepared her equipment, checking each lens and frame with meticulous care, Sky reminded herself of the journey she had traveled—the pain she had overcome and the strength she had found. This photoshoot was not just another job; it was a testament to her growth, both as an artist and as a person.

She took a deep breath, ready to capture the love story of M and K, to tell their tale through the silent poetry of her photographs. It was moments like these that reminded her why she had picked up a camera in the first place: to freeze time, to hold emotion, to document life in all its complex beauty.

Sky arrived at the venue, her eyes immediately captivated by the breathtaking scenery that unfolded before her. The natural beauty of Canada never failed to inspire her, and as she took in the picturesque landscape, a sense of awe washed over her. This was more than just a backdrop for a photoshoot; it was a canvas on which she would paint with light and shadow, capturing the essence of M and K’s love story.

Despite the success and acclaim, Sky had chosen to manage her career independently. She never hired a personal assistant or a manager, preferring to handle the intricacies of her schedules, meetings, and photoshoots on her own. It was a lot of work, but for Sky, it was a labor of love. She thrived on the freedom it gave her, the control over her artistic vision, and the personal touch she could bring to each interaction.

As she set up her equipment, Sky felt a familiar thrill—the adrenaline of creation, the joy of bringing visions to life. She loved every bit of her job, from the quiet moments spent waiting for the perfect light to the chaotic energy of a full-blown photoshoot. It was her passion, her calling, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. Today, as she prepared to capture the prelude to M and K’s forever, she knew she was exactly where she was meant to be.

The ping from her phone was a gentle interruption to Sky’s preparations. She reached into her bag and pulled out the device, seeing a message from M on the screen. They apologized for being late and assured her that breakfast was available inside. Sky typed a quick reply, expressing her gratitude for the thoughtful gesture.

As she held the phone, she couldn’t help but let out a sigh. It was the same phone that Karl and Micah had gifted her three years ago, and despite the passage of time, it remained a cherished possession. A smile crept onto her face as she thought of them, regretting that she never had the chance to say a proper goodbye.

Another sigh escaped her, but this time it was filled with a different emotion. Her thoughts drifted to Kian, the man who haunted her dreams every night. She wasn’t upset by his nightly appearances in her slumber; instead, there was a part of her that found comfort in them. Deep down, she harbored a hope that one day their paths would cross again, and she would see him, not just in her dreams, but in the waking world where their story had begun.

Sky allowed herself a moment of levity, her laughter a brief escape from the constant rush of her life. But as quickly as it came, she reined it in, conscious of the solitude around her and how it might appear to an onlooker. With a shake of her head and a wry smile at the thought, she decided it was time to head inside.

Her stomach reminded her of its emptiness, growling softly in protest. She realized she was famished, having skipped breakfast in the early morning haste. The only sustenance she had allowed herself was a comforting cup of hot chocolate during the drive, which now seemed like ages ago.

The exhaustion from the previous day lingered in her bones. The photoshoot with the celebrity had been exhilarating but draining, and sleep had only claimed her at midnight. The early wake-up call at 5 am had been a jolt, pulling her from the few precious hours of rest she had managed to grasp.

Now, as she made her way to the venue’s dining area, Sky looked forward to a moment of quiet indulgence, a chance to fuel her body and mind before the day’s work began. The anticipation of the photoshoot with M and K still danced in her thoughts, mingling with the hope that, perhaps, someday soon, she might find herself in Kian’s presence once more.

As Sky made her way toward the dining area, a woman in a professional dress approached her with a radiant smile. “Ms. Greene! It’s you! I’m a big fan,” she exclaimed, her enthusiasm evident. “Come on, are you also going to have breakfast? I’m Christine, Mr. M’s personal assistant. He asked me to accompany you for breakfast and to apologize for their tardiness. But don’t worry, Mr. M and Ms. K will be here shortly.”

Sky returned the smile, a soft and appreciative one, as she took in Christine’s poised demeanor. “Thank you, Christine, that’s very kind of you,” Sky responded, following her to the food area. The spread before her was impressive, and Sky felt a surge of gratitude for Mr. M’s thoughtfulness. Despite the rumors she had heard about him, his kindness in this moment was all that mattered. And, after all, there was food—a delightful array of breakfast items that promised to satisfy her hunger and fuel her for the day ahead.

Sky carefully selected foods that she knew would sustain her energy throughout the day. Opting for a balance of protein, fruits, and grains, she filled her plate with items that were not only delicious but also nourishing. Christine, carrying her own tray, followed Sky to a table she had chosen, one with a view that overlooked the serene landscape.

They settled into their seats comfortably, the atmosphere relaxed and inviting. Christine’s company was a pleasant addition to the morning, and as they began to eat, the conversation flowed easily between them. Sky appreciated the assistant’s professionalism and the way she balanced her role with genuine warmth.

As they chatted, Sky found herself sharing snippets of her experiences and the journey that had led her to this point in her career. Christine listened intently, her admiration for Sky’s work evident in her attentive gaze. For Sky, it was a reminder of how far she had come, and she felt a renewed sense of purpose for the day’s photoshoot.

Christine excused herself from the table as she noticed her boss approaching with his fiancée. Sky, sensing the arrival of the couple she was there to photograph, stood up eagerly, turning to greet them with a professional smile. But the moment she laid eyes on the woman accompanying Mr. M, her expression transformed from one of anticipation to utter shock.

“Krizah… Krizah Rossi?” Sky exclaimed, her voice a mix of disbelief and recognition. The name tumbled from her lips before she could catch herself, her mind racing as she tried to reconcile the woman in front of her with the memories that name evoked. It was a moment of unexpected revelation, one that promised to turn an ordinary photoshoot into something far more personal and profound.

Mary Joye.

Rossi One: Kian's Little SkyWhere stories live. Discover now