85. seeing him...again?

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Third Person's PoV

Krizah’s face went through a rapid succession of emotions as she recognized Sky. From shock to excitement, her eyes lit up with a mixture of surprise and joy. Without a moment’s hesitation, Krizah stepped forward and wrapped Sky in a tight embrace, burying her face in Sky’s shoulder as she sobbed uncontrollably.

Sky, taken aback by the sudden outpouring of emotion, instinctively returned the hug, her own heart swelling with a mix of confusion and compassion. Around them, the atmosphere shifted as people paused to witness the unexpected display of vulnerability from the fiancée of their influential boss.

The room filled with a palpable sense of curiosity and empathy as onlookers tried to piece together the connection between the two women. Sky, holding Krizah, whispered soothing words, her own eyes misting over as she felt the weight of Krizah’s tears soaking into her shirt.

Sky could feel Mr. M’s gaze on them, a mix of confusion and concern etched on his face as he watched the emotional reunion unfold. “Krizah, baby, what’s wrong? Tell me,” he urged, his voice filled with worry for his fiancée.

Christine, having recovered from her initial shock, let out a small giggle, breaking the tension in the room. “Ms. K, you knew Ms. Greene! That’s so sweet!” she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight at the unexpected connection.

Sky chuckled softly, the sound a gentle reassurance in the emotionally charged atmosphere. She gently patted Krizah’s back, offering comfort as Krizah began to apologize repeatedly, her voice muffled against Sky’s shoulder. “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry."

Sky, with a gentle touch, guided Krizah to a nearby chair, her own emotions swirling as she tried to provide comfort. Mr. M stood by, his confusion growing with each passing second as he watched his fiancée cry and repeatedly apologize to the photographer he had only recently hired.

“Krizah, love, what’s going on?” Mr. M asked, his voice laced with concern. He looked from Krizah to Sky, seeking an explanation for the unexpected scene unfolding before him.

Sky offered a reassuring smile to Mr. M, her eyes conveying understanding and empathy. “It’s a long story,” she said softly. “Krizah and I, we knew each other and it’s been years since we last saw each other."

Krizah, now seated, looked up at Sky with tear-stained cheeks. “Sky was my friend,” she managed to say, her voice still shaky from the emotional encounter. “We lost touch, and I never thought I’d see her again, especially not like this.”

The revelation seemed to ease Mr. M’s confusion, replacing it with a dawning realization of the depth of the bond between the two women. He reached out, placing a comforting hand on Krizah’s shoulder. “I’m glad you’ve found each other again,” he said, his tone warm and supportive.

Sky nodded, her heart full as she witnessed the love and care between the couple. “Thank you,” she said to Mr. M. “And I’m truly honored to be part of your special day.”

Krizah’s voice was filled with remorse as she spoke to Sky, “I’m really sorry, Sky. I didn’t know it would happen. I’m sorry if I stole Kian’s attention again. Everything happened so fast, and I didn’t know you left Italy. I only found out a month after I woke up from a coma. Kian, mom, dad, and even the twins, Karl and Micah, were so sad.”

Sky listened, her heart aching for Krizah’s pain and the tumultuous events that had unfolded. “Krizah, there’s nothing to apologize for,” Sky reassured her, her voice gentle. “Life takes unexpected turns, and we can’t control everything. What matters is that you’re okay now, and we’ve found each other again.”

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