78. hurts like hell

55 3 0

Third Person's PoV

Sky, sat in front of the laptop that Matteo had carefully placed on her hospital bed. The sterile room, with its beeping monitors and the soft rustle of sheets, seemed to close in around her, a stark reminder of the distance from her home and her mom.

Matteo, his face a mask of concern, hovered close, ready to lend his support. He watched as Sky, with a trembling hand, initiated the video call, her breaths shallow and her eyes brimming with apprehension.

The screen came to life, revealing Officer Martin seated in a nondescript office, his badge and uniform a somber note of formality. “Ms. Greene,” he greeted, his voice a careful blend of authority and compassion. “Thank you for joining us. I understand this is a difficult time, and we’ll proceed with the utmost respect for your situation.”

Sky nodded, her lips pressed into a thin line. “Please, just tell me a-about my mother,” she urged, her voice a mere whisper carried across the miles.

Officer Martin inclined his head, acknowledging her request. “We’re trained to handle these conversations with sensitivity,” he began, his demeanor patient. “It’s important to us that we provide you with support and clear information.”

He paused, allowing his words to settle. “Your mother, Mrs. Selene Greene, was involved in an incident. While I can’t share all the details over this call, I need you to know that we’re treating the matter with the highest priority.”

Sky’s hand flew to her mouth, her eyes wide with fear. Matteo stepped in, his hand on her shoulder a silent bulwark against the tide of emotions threatening to overwhelm her.

“We have protocols in place to ensure that family members are not shocked or distressed by sudden news,” Officer Martin continued, his tone measured. “We want to prepare you for the information we need to share, and we’re here to support you through this process.”

Sky, gathering the shards of her composure, nodded for him to go on.

“Your mother has passed away,” Officer Martin said softly, the words hanging heavy in the air. “We’re deeply sorry for your loss. We’ll provide you with all the assistance you need to navigate the next steps, and we’re here to answer any questions you may have.”

The news hit Sky like a physical blow, her body sagging against the pillows. Matteo’s grip tightened, a lifeline in the storm of grief that now engulfed her.

“Thank you, Officer,” Sky managed to say, her voice hollow. “I… I’ll n-need some time.”

“Of course, Ms. Greene,” Officer Martin replied, his face a portrait of solemn duty. “We’ll be in touch with further details. Please, take all the time you need.”

Officer Martin’s voice softened further, a testament to his training and the gravity of the situation. “Ms. Greene, when you’re ready, we will need to go over a few formalities,” he said gently. “This includes verifying some information about your mother and discussing any arrangements you wish to make. We understand that you’re currently in the hospital, so we’ll coordinate with the local authorities here to assist you.”

Sky nodded, her mind still reeling from the shock, but grateful for the officer’s considerate approach.

“We’ll also provide you with a liaison officer who can help you through the legal process and ensure that you have all the support you need, both here in Italy and back in Canada,” Officer Martin continued. “They will be your point of contact and can help with any questions or concerns you might have.”

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