92. dessert

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Third Person's PoV

The penthouse was filled with the rich, savory aromas of the Filipino dishes as Sky put the finishing touches on the sinigang and adobo. The table was set, and the mood was light with anticipation. Karl and Micah watched with rapt attention as Sky brought the dishes to the table, the steam rising and carrying with it the promise of a culinary delight.

 Karl and Micah watched with rapt attention as Sky brought the dishes to the table, the steam rising and carrying with it the promise of a culinary delight

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Pork Adobo

Pork Sinigang(Photos from google)

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Pork Sinigang
(Photos from google)

As they sat down to eat, the first bites were met with a moment of silence, a testament to the flavors that enveloped their senses. Karl was the first to break the quiet, his voice filled with genuine admiration. “Sky, this is incredible,” he said, his eyes wide as he took another bite. “I’ve never tasted anything like it!”

Micah nodded in agreement, his mouth full of food. “It’s so rich and comforting,” he mumbled, before swallowing. “The flavors are complex but so well-balanced. You’re an amazing cook, Sky.”

Sky’s cheeks glowed with a rosy hue, the compliments making her heart swell with pride. “Thank you, guys,” she replied, her smile shy but pleased. “I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Filipino cuisine is all about bringing people together, and I wanted to share that with you.”

Kian watched the scene, his heart full of affection for Sky. “She’s right,” he said, turning to Karl and Micah. “And she’s being modest. She’s not just sharing food; she’s sharing a piece of her culture, her history. That’s what makes it so special.”

Sky let out a playful sigh, her eyes twinkling with the joy of the moment. “You guys are making me blush,” she said, her voice light and airy. “But I’m glad you love it. This is just a small taste of the Philippines.”

Kian, seizing the moment, turned to his brothers with an excited gleam in his eye. “Speaking of the Philippines, are you two free in the coming months?” he asked. “I was thinking of planning a family vacation. Mom, Dad, Krizah and her fiancé, all of us together. What do you say?”

Karl and Micah exchanged a silent conversation, their eyes conveying a depth of understanding that only twins could share. After a brief moment, Micah turned back to Kian, his expression apologetic. “We’d love to, Kian, but we’ve got some projects lined up that we really can’t push back,” he explained.

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