90. you're mine, Sky

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Third Person's PoV

The golden hues of the setting sun cast a warm glow over the penthouse, bathing Kian and Sky in a soft light as they relaxed on the couch. The city’s skyline was a silhouette against the twilight sky, a breathtaking view from the glass wall of Kian’s living room. Sky, nestled comfortably in Kian’s lap, cradled her camera, capturing the beauty of the moment, while Kian spoke softly into his phone.

“Karl, Micah, it’s not that I don’t want you to visit,” Kian explained with a hint of concern in his voice, “I just don’t want to overwhelm Sky.”

On the other end of the line, Karl’s voice was full of brotherly eagerness. “Come on, Kian, we haven’t seen her in ages! We’re just looking for a little family time.”

Micah’s laughter could be heard in the background, “Yeah, we promise we won’t stay long. Just a quick hello!”

Sky, overhearing the conversation, gently placed her camera aside and looked up at Kian with reassuring eyes. “It’s okay, Kian,” she said softly, her voice steady. “I’d like to see them too. Don’t worry about me.”

Kian paused, his gaze meeting Sky’s. “Are you sure? I remember the last time in Italy… the goodbyes weren’t easy,” he said, the memory lingering in his tone.

Sky nodded, her head finding its place against the warmth of Kian’s chest. “I’m sure. We’re past that now, and besides, they’re your family. And last time I remembered, they practically adopted me as their sister too. They’re part of our lives.”

With a deep breath, Kian smiled and returned to the call. “Alright, you two. Come on up. But let’s keep it relaxed, okay?”

As he hung up the phone, Kian wrapped his arms around Sky, holding her close. “Thank you, Sky. For being so understanding and for being here with me.”

Sky smiled, her heart feeling full. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” she whispered, feeling the steady beat of Kian’s heart against her ear.

Kian placed his phone gently on the side table, turning his undivided attention to Sky. His hand rose to her hair, fingers weaving through her locks with a tenderness that spoke volumes, massaging her scalp in a soothing rhythm. “Tell me, my little Sky,” he began, his voice a soft caress against the quiet of the room, “how have you been during all this time we’ve been apart?”

Sky’s laughter filled the space between them, light and carefree. She playfully slapped his toned arm, her eyes alight with joy. “Kian, you know I’ve been far too busy chasing the perfect shot to entertain any suitors,” she teased, her giggle echoing the affection in her voice.

Kian’s eyes crinkled with mirth, but his tone was serious when he spoke again. “And your work… I’ve heard you’ve become quite the renowned photographer, haven’t you?” His pride in her achievements was evident, his words wrapping around her like a warm embrace.

Sky’s cheeks flushed with a modest pride, her gaze dropping for a moment before meeting his once more. “It’s been an incredible journey,” she admitted, her voice tinged with the excitement of her passion for her craft.

Kian’s expression grew earnest, his admiration for her unwavering. “I’ve collected every magazine that features your work, Sky. Every article that mentions your name,” he confessed, his voice low and full of emotion. “Seeing how you’ve grown, the impact you’ve made… it fills me with so much pride. You’re not just a good girl, Sky; you’re the strongest, most resilient woman I know.”

Sky’s cheeks turned a deeper shade of rose at Kian’s heartfelt words. She let out a soft sigh, a mixture of contentment and a touch of bashfulness. “Kian, you always know how to make me feel so cherished,” she said, her voice a whisper that matched the intimate atmosphere of the room.

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