87. home again

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Third Person's PoV

Sky found herself nestled inside Kian's sleek car-the Subaru Forester. As she took in the refined interior and state-of-the-art features, she couldn't help but be awed. Pride swelled within her for Kian; she knew how passionate he was about his work and business, and this car was a testament to his success.

Kian, with careful attention, secured Sky's seatbelt, ensuring her safety. He then turned to Sebastian and requested assistance with the photography equipment and Sky's car. Sebastian nodded in acknowledgment, ready to take care of everything.

With everything settled, Kian slid into the driver's seat, his movements fluid and familiar. He buckled his seatbelt and started the car, the engine purring to life with a soft roar that promised a smooth ride. A smile played on his lips, a reflection of the contentment he felt. His free hand found its way to Sky's lap, a comforting presence that silently communicated his desire to be close to her. The simple gesture spoke volumes, conveying a sense of protection and intimacy that Sky had missed dearly.

"Where are we going?" Sky's voice was a soft whisper, barely audible over the hum of the car's engine.

Kian turned his head slightly, his eyes never leaving the road as he reached for her hand resting on her lap. He brought it to his lips, kissing it gently, a gesture that made Sky's heart flutter. "We're going to my penthouse, little Sky," he said with a smile in his voice. "I've dreamed of bringing you there for years. I'm sure you'll love it."

Sky's smile was soft and genuine, touched by the thoughtfulness behind Kian's words. As Kian kissed her knuckles, she felt a warmth spread through her, a feeling of being cherished.

"Can we have some music?" Sky asked, her voice still a whisper but now laced with a hint of excitement.

Kian chuckled, a sound that resonated with happiness. "Of course, we could," he replied, his tone light and playful.

Sky reached for the car's radio, turning it on. The opening chords of 'The Script's "The Man Who Can't Be Moved" filled the car, enveloping them in the familiar melody. Sky's smile widened; she had always loved The Script, and the song seemed to capture the essence of the moment-poignant and hopeful.

With Kian's hand still holding hers on her lap, she felt a mix of nervousness and excitement. She turned to Kian, her voice soft but curious. "How have you been these last three years?" she asked.

Kian's response was heartfelt and honest. "I've been sad without you, Sky," he admitted. "I missed cuddling you, watching your favorite Disney movies together, cooking for you, and just being with you." His voice carried a note of melancholy that matched the mood of the song playing in the background.

Hearing his words, Sky felt a pang of sadness. She too had missed those shared moments. With her free hand, she reached for their clasped hands, gripping Kian's hand tightly. "I regret blaming you before I left Italy," she confessed, her voice tinged with regret.

Kian looked into her eyes, his own filled with understanding and forgiveness. "We were both hurting," he said softly. "What matters is that we're here now, together."

She looked into his eyes, searching for absolution. "Do you forgive me?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Kian's gaze was steady and full of warmth. He squeezed her hand reassuringly before responding with a softness that enveloped her like a blanket. "Sky, there's nothing to forgive. You were never at fault," he told her, his words a soothing balm to the guilt that had lingered in her heart.

Sky's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, a mixture of joy and the weight of years apart. "Kian," she began, her voice steadier than she felt, "I need you to know that my heart never wandered. It's always been you, even when I was miles away, even when I was too stubborn to admit it." Her confession hung in the air, a testament to the love that had endured the trials of time and distance.

Kian's response was a tender smile, one that reached his eyes and seemed to light up the dim interior of the car. He didn't need to speak; his gaze said it all. But as the car slowed to a stop on a quiet street, he turned to her, his actions speaking louder than any words could. With a gentle click, he released her seatbelt and carefully guided her into his arms, her body fitting perfectly against his.

Their lips met in a kiss that was soft yet filled with the intensity of rekindled love. It was a promise, a silent vow that spoke of a future where they would no longer be apart. Kian held her close, his hands resting on her waist, as if he was afraid to let go, as if even a breath of distance between them was too much.

Sky melted into the kiss, her arms winding around his neck, pulling herself closer to the warmth of his chest. The world outside faded away, leaving only the two of them, wrapped in the cocoon of their shared affection.

As the last notes of the song faded into silence, they remained there, hearts beating in unison, a perfect harmony that had withstood the test of time. Sky knew that no matter what the future held, this moment, this feeling of complete love and acceptance, would be the anchor that held her steady.

Sky then nestled her head against Kian's shoulder, her eyelids heavy with the day's emotions. "Kian," she murmured, her voice a soft lull, "I'm feeling so sleepy, all of a sudden."

Kian's laughter was a gentle rumble, filled with affection. He carefully shifted Sky, turning her so she faced the steering wheel while still cradled in his lap. With a deft movement, he unbuckled his seatbelt and wrapped it around them both, clicking it into place. It was a symbolic gesture, one that held more meaning than mere safety-it was his way of saying she was his to protect, now and always.

Leaning close, his breath warm against her ear, Kian whispered, "Now, I wouldn't really let you go, Sky. Not when I've just found you again." His words were a soft vow, a promise that echoed the depth of his feelings for her.

Sky, feeling the secure embrace of the seatbelt and the strength of Kian's arms around her, allowed her eyes to close. She felt safe, cherished, and above all, loved. The gentle rise and fall of Kian's chest beneath her became a lullaby, lulling her into a peaceful slumber.

The soft melody of the radio played in the background, but as Sky's breathing deepened into a gentle snore, Kian reached out and turned the volume down. The world outside was hushed, the only sound the quiet hum of the city and the soft rhythm of Sky's breath. He gazed down at her, his heart swelling with an emotion so profound it was almost tangible.

"Oh, my angel," he whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of wonder and longing. The sight of her, so peaceful in her slumber, brought back a flood of memories-laughter shared, tears shed, and moments of silence that spoke louder than any words. He had missed her more than he had allowed himself to admit, and now, with her here in his arms, everything felt right in the world.

Kian adjusted the rearview mirror, not to check the road, but to catch a better glimpse of Sky's serene face. He memorized the curve of her lashes, the gentle parting of her lips, the way her hair fell softly around her face. This moment, he knew, would be etched in his memory forever.

As the city lights cast a soft glow inside the car, Kian felt a profound sense of gratitude. Life had given him a second chance with Sky, and he was determined to cherish every second of it. With a promise in his heart and a prayer on his lips, he vowed to protect her, to love her, and to never let her go again.

With the city's gentle lights casting a serene ambiance in the car, Kian leaned closer to Sky's ear, his voice a tender murmur, "Ti amo, piccola." He kissed her hair gently, a delicate touch that spoke volumes of his deep affection.

("I love you, baby.")

Even as he cherished this intimate moment, Kian's eyes remained vigilant on the road ahead. The responsibility he felt towards Sky, his angel, was paramount; he would not allow even the slightest chance of harm to come her way. His gaze was fixed, ensuring their safety, his protective instincts as her driver never waning.

Sky, nestled in the comfort of Kian's lap, remained blissfully unaware of the world outside. She was home in his arms, surrounded by love and care that transcended words. Kian's heart was full, knowing that after all this time, they were together again, their bond unbreakable.

Mary Joye.

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