Story XLII

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It was supposed to just be a little get together. Just a casual outing at their local bar. Just their friend group; Percy and Annabeth, Hazel and Frank, Jason and Leo, Piper, Reyna, Thalia, and Grover. Will had convinced Nico to come and all he wanted was a care-free hangout with everybody.

But of course things were never that simple. Things were never that simple with Nico di Angelo. It took way too much effort to convince Nico to come, but his friend finally obliged. Though very begrudgingly.

They'd been friends for ages, Will really couldn't remember a point in his life without Nico. They were best friends. The only issue was that Will had the fattest crush on him. Like it was kind of embarrassing how head over heels he was for the boy.

Could anyone really blame Will though? No, no one could because the moment anyone were to lay eyes on Nico, they would be just as entranced, just as gone.

Will was sitting at the bar, a half drunk beer in front of him, dripping condensation onto the flimsy paper coaster underneath. He brought it up to his lips, taking a gulp as he felt droplets of water slip through the cracks of his fingers down the inside of his wrist. The malty taste was thick on his tongue. He set it down and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

The bar was on the quieter side, only a couple groups of people other than their own. He rested his elbows on the counter as he looked around. Reyna, Thalia, and Piper were playing pool at the other end of the bar. Very competitively he may add, their laughing and arguing heard from across the way. Jason and Leo were with them, watching from the sidelines. Well, Jason was watching, Leo was teasing Piper, distracting her and making her miss.

At one of the booths, Percy, Annabeth, and Grover sat. They were chatting and laughing, looking like they were having a good time. Percy sat with an arm over Annabeth's shoulders while she rested her head against his chest, a bright smile on her face.

To Will's right were Hazel and Frank. Hazel's hair was done in box braids and pulled up in a bun with two braids on each side, decorated with metal cuffs and rings, coming down to frame her face. Her golden eyes shone in the bar light, bright from laughing and smiling. Frank's face was a little flushed, probably from the alcohol, and he sat just softly looking at Hazel, chin resting on his palm as he listened to whatever she was going on about. She gestured her hands rapidly as she talked and the dangling golden, silver, and jewel bracelets she wore rattled and jingled.

Will's gaze drifted to a walking shadow. Ah, Nico. There he was. Will was wondering where he'd gone. Maybe to the bathroom, Will didn't know. But his gaze locked on the smaller boy and his breath caught in his throat. Nico really was a sight to see.

He had gotten a little dressed up for the occasion, skipping his usual black hoodie and sweats for black ripped skinny jeans,—that were way too tight in Will opinion, it should not be legal for anyone's legs to look that good— a skull crop top shirt that flashed a little bit of skin,—Will totally didn't want grab him by the hips and taste that patch of skin, run his tongue across his flesh and leave marks— and a leather jacket that broadened his shoulders and made his arms look devilishly good.

Gods and don't even get Will started on his hair. His ink black locks were really just a marvel. Will wanted to run his hands through his hair, tangle his fingers in it, pull on it. He wondered what noises Nico would make if he did that...

Will shook his head roughly, his face heating up. No, no, Nico was his friend, do not think that way. Also that was unwanted sexualization, come on Will you knew better than that!

But did he really? He was just a man after all and the gorgeous sight of Nico di Angelo really made all his thoughts muddle together into mush with only Nico as any coherent image.

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