13. Investment

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The best and most detailed writing that I've done today is about Investing in the stock market. Hopefully, you're interested in this as everyone ought to be rich. Bo Sanchez said. I summarized it and it will save you 7 dollars as I made it only 800 words totaling 5 minutes of reading. 

I want to become a millionaire one day. So if you want to follow that story, add to your reading list my work titled "Investment Legacy" My real first name was mentioned there and that's the only thing I want to share for now. I want to become transparent as someone but being anonymous seems fun for a while. It just gives clarity even if no one has read it yet. 

Money is really helpful in our lives and it's not the goal technically. I didn't mention it in the summary but Bo Sanchez mentioned in his book that the "purpose of wealth is to love others" and that we must use it to get closer to God."

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