121. Vision

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I want to recall first what my vision was years ago before I envision myself in the future.

December 2021

What is the ideal life I want 5 years from now?

1. I have a big savings.

2. I go to the gym 4-5 times a week.

3. I am more confident.

4. Books, I'd like to have more than 20 books.

5. Happy if I can manage more of my self.

6. Pro in chess.

7. More focus in Electrical Engineering.

8. I want to have a camera for memories.

9. Bike, jogging, running, eating healthy. 

10. Have an income source.

11. More grateful and more happy for all.

It's nice to see these vision once again when I forgot them all in these passed years.  If I can engrave it in my brain then I might be able to do it. Some are already impossible like the EE and chess. 5 years from 2021 is 2026 so I would have two and a half year left to accomplished some of it. 

The only thing that's stopping me is my determination. I am not determined enough to accomplish those things I promised I will. 

A lot really is happening, but starting today, I am determined to improve my English.

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