117. Habit 2

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I wrote this in December 2021 and I want to talk about it today.

7 Habits that are giving you anxiety. (From a YouTube Video)

Bad sleep habits.Too much caffeine.Overscheduling yourself.Never turning off.Identifying with negative self-talk.Spending too much time on social media.Spending too much time alone.

Solution to Anxiety:

Self-Care Activities (Meditation, Breathing Exercise)Talk to SomeoneKnow what is causing it.Seek Help.

Like what the... Now that I think about it, I am experiencing those 7 things today. I am the 18-year-old version of this newly 16-year-old me who had written this, yet that me before knew all of this and even the solution to it. Yeah, sometimes all we need to do is look back and learn from what we had experienced before. Life truly is amazing.

So what am I going to do now?

A lot, to be honest. Though, going outside and spending less time on social media are the best.

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