Chapter 35

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                       Hades POV

I just got done eating my beautiful flower out and I was like bee enjoying eating his sweet nectar from his favorite beautiful flower.

She called me daddy while she asked if she could come and I got hard as fuck because I love it when she calls me daddy.

So I let her come and she squirt all over my face &  in my mouth and I loved every minute of it too.

I could eat her out for hours n never get tired. Her nectar is only for me and all mine.

I lick her pussy clean and  we were  making out before my twin sister Hadiya and her boyfriend Herold walk in ugh. Hadiya said "y'all time is over" then had the nerves to jump on my bed and made herself comfortable like what the fuck.

I am so fucking annoyed right now but then I heard peony giggling so I turned to look at her then  grinned at her.

She finds this funny so I pulled her near me and whispered in her right ear "so you think this funny so how bout I give you something to laugh about" then I kiss n suck on the right side of her neck while sliding two fingers inside her slowing thrusting them in n out of her.

She stopped giggling automatically making me smirk again her neck while I continue to slide two fingers in and out of her.

She turned her head and looked at me while biting her bottom lip trying not to moan making me smirk more while sliding my two fingers in n out of her pussy until she stopped me by grabbing my left hand.

Hadiya said "what are you doing to her under the covers?" Causing us to both look at her. I said "none of yr fucking business" Peony said to me "be nice babe"

I said "no because she is disturbing  our alone time and they both need to go away" I move my two fingers out of her then folded my arms and pouty.

I love my sister but she gets on my fucking nerves sometimes. She is the cause of my beautiful flower not talking to me or anything with me for 4 days and now she is disturbing our alone time now.

Hadiya said "aww is the big bad demon sad and pouting like a baby because she can't get his way" causing her and Herold to laugh & Peony to giggle beside.

I glared at Hadiya and Herold then said "y'all all can fuck off" then tried to leave but Peony stopped me by sitting straddle in my lap so I couldn't move.

Peony is looking at me smiling and my dick is hard as fuck under her. She wrapped her arms my neck then started moving her hips up and down on my hard painful cock while kissing and biting on my neck.

I whisper in her right ear "you better stop before I fuck me while both of them watch" then smack her ass making her gasp and I smirk when she looked at me.

She stop moving in my lap and move to sit by me on my left side then I wrapped my left arm around her waist coming her beside me more. She snuggle up to me and wrapped her left arm around my waist.

I kissed her forehead then put my chin on of her head while she lay her head on my chest. I love snuggling with her and I wish we were alone right now.

Hadiya said to Herold "sit down babe, let all watch a movie" Herold looked at me and I nodded my head so he sat down on the bed next to Hadiya.

I grabbed my TV remote and Hadiya snatch it out of my hand then smirk at me causing me to glared at her. She is lucky my beautiful flower is here because she would so get it but I have to play nice while my beautiful flower is here.

Hadiya pick the movie "Me before you" then snuggle up in Herold arms.
An hour when by then my bedroom door open up again and in walked the two Rugrats.

They walked in my room and climbed in my old bed where me and Peony where. Zayden got between me and peony moving me all the way over then Phoenix got on the other side of her. They both were snuggling with her causing me to glared at both of them and Peony to giggle again.

My family is so fucking annoying sometimes. I am so being pissed off because all I wanted was alone time with my flower after not being with her or talking to her for four days.

I got up, walked to the door then slammed it behind me after I walked out. I walked downstairs into the kitchen to the refrigerator to get some water.

I am beyond pissed off and I am trying to calm myself because my hair is blue flare and my demon form Orcus trying to come out so I had to leave the room before he did because I ain't ready to show my beautiful flower my demon form or bout my family yet.

I grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator then closed it. I opened it up and drank some then put the top back on it. I am trying to calm myself when I heard my mom said "what wrong Hades?"

I turned around to look at my mom and said "my fucking siblings" then went to sit at the kitchen table.

My mom came and sat by me at the kitchen table then said "watch yr mouth for one and tell me what happened"

I said "sorry mom I am just very annoyed because I was having alone time my peony then Hadiya and Herold came in. O ok we all watch a movie then a hour later the two Rugrats came in and climbed in my bed. Zayden got between me and peony pushing me all the way over almost knock me off the bed then Phoenix got on her other side and they both wrapped their arms around her and started snuggling with her. I was beyond pissed off to cause my hair to turn to blue flare and Orcus trying to come out but he can't because I hadn't told peony about everything yet"

My mom said "you know how your siblings are and why you hadn't told peony about u and us yet?"

I said "because I don't know how she will react to everything and I am scared she will leave me. I can't lose her"

My dad walked in and said "you have to tell her soon tho" then he kissed my mom on her lips and sat down between me and her at the kitchen table.

I said "I know but I don't want to lose her because she is my life line on earth"

My dad said "it look like it going rain tonight because it was cloudy today" I looked at him weird and Look behind me.

I turned to see my beautiful flower coming in the kitchen holding  the two Rugrats hands . They are on both sides of her talking to her probably flirting ugh.

Whatever they are saying she is giggling and blushing. This is irritating me because I am the only person only to make her blush and giggle.

She looks up at me and we locked eyes . I wink at her causing her to blush making me smirk. I love watching her blush and seeing her beautiful face and smile.

I get up and walked over to them and pick her up. She wrapped her arms my neck  and legs around my waist then I carried her to the living room and sat down on the couch with her straddling me.

She unwrapped her arms from my neck and looked at me then said "why did you leave?" While pouting at me.

I said "because I was annoyed that everyone wanted to come in my room and messed up our alone time" then I pouty

She said "aww my poor baby" then peck me on my lips. I grabbed her by the back of her neck and pulled her back to me then we started making out until we were disturbed again this time by my parents ugh I can't catch a break.

My parents wanted to talk to us and Herold and Hadiya about a few things so Peony got out of my lap and sat down next to me on my left side. My mom called Herold and Hadiya down and they came.

My parents started talking about whatever I don't know because I blocked them out and wrapped my left arm around peony pulling her to me then laid my head on her right shoulder.

I know I have to tell Peony about me and my family but I ain't ready yet because I don't know how she will react to it so I have to find a way to tell her without her freaking out and don't want anything to do with me.

I refuse to lose her and I will never let her leave me either because she is my life line and my heartbeat.

I just sit here thinking of a way I can tell her without losing her.

This chapter is over. What y'all think about it? How will Hades tell Peony or will she find out a different way? Will her react me good or bad? Keep reading to find out

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