Chapter 75

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                          Peony POV

After the guard took Demira out kicking and screaming. My dad and I turn and look at each other but just before my dad could say anything we heard someone say "can I talk to you Zachy"

My dad and I turned to see who just said that and we see My Aunt Lucy standing in the doorway looking and smiling at us so we smile back at her.

My dad said "yes" then we both got up. I walk over to my Aunt Lucy and hugged her then she hugged me back.

We stopped hugging and we told each other we love each other. I was about to leave but my dad stopped me so I turned around and face him.

My dad said "cupcake don't leave yet I want to talk to you about everything. Just let me talk to LuLu first then we can talk" aww they have cute little nicknames for each other. I really hope they can talk and work everything out.

I said "o ok dad" and My dad said "I want you to know that even though you ain't yr real father. You will always be my daughter I mean always cupcake" I said "and you will always be my dad. I love you dad" and He said "I love you too cupcake" them we hugged.

I went upstairs to let them talk. I text Hades to let him know I will be over in a few minutes I just need to talk with my dad first. He text back o ok and to drive safely. I just love my Hades so much.

I grabbed another duff bag and put some more clothes and other things I will need until I am able to come get all my stuff from over here.

I know my dad said I will always be his daughter but after his divorce Demira,  he would probably want to get married again & start his own family and I don't want to get in the way of his happiness so I completely move out soon.

After getting done with packing everything I will need in duffle bag  I grabbed it and my phone & walk downstairs.

Halfway down the stairs I see My dad and my aunt Lucy making out hard on the living room couch.

I smile to myself because maybe they can repair their relationship and get back together. My Aunt Lucy doesn't have any kids and she is still young so maybe they can get married and have some kids together.

I continue to walk downstairs quickly but quietly and out the front door closing it quietly behind me. I don't want to disturb them and I can just talk to my dad another time.

I get in my jeep and close the door behind me. I throw the duff bag in the passenger seat then I put on my seatbelt then started my jeep and back out the driveway then the gate.

Once I am out of the gate I sped off to the Jones house just a block behind me.

I started thinking about tonight and how Christmas dinner was my family was beyond crazy and unforgettable.

The only good part bout the information my dad took us was I found out that Demira not my real Mom but I am sad because my dad not my real dad. The worst part is Ariana is actually my twin ugh but I shouldn't be that surprised because we do look like twin she is just skinnier then me but that is the only difference.

I guess I wasnt paying attention when I was turning onto Hades parents street because a big red truck came out of nowhere hitting me hard.

The big truck hit me with full force causing my jeep flip then hit a big tree in someone yard.

Everything hurts and things start to be blurry.  It became hard to keep my eyes open so I tried to keep my eyes open. I just want to see my Hades one last time. I called his name then closed my eyes.

                           Hades POV

We are all sitting here speechless because we can't believe everything that happened at peony parents house tonight.

My dad was the first person to say something after 30 mins. He said "everything we saw here we can't tell everyone what we know about everything"

My mom said "right we especially can't let Peony know we were watching or know anything"

My parents are right we can't say anything about everything we know and saw at that house especially peony.

I look down at my phone and I saw what time it was. Peony was supposed to be here by now because she left her dad house 30 minutes ago so where is she.

I am starting to feel nervous because she such have been here by now. Her dad house is just a block up from us.

I get up fast and was about to walk out the living room when my dad said "son where are you going?"

I said "Something is wrong because Peony should have been here by now. Her dad house is just a block up from here"

Just as I was saying that I got a bad pain all over my body and I felt to the ground causing everyone to get up and run over to me.

I closed my eyes and I can see my beautiful hurt and in Alot of pain so I get up ignoring the pain I am and open the front door then ran out of it fast with everyone running behind me.

I ran down the driveway and at the end of the street on the left side I see peony jeep against a big tree in someone yard.

I took off running down the street toward her jeep. Alot of people was around it and fire fighters had got her out of her jeep. She was laying on the bed thing as pardmic work on her.

She was just laying there not breathing and all I wanted to do was hold her. They put her in the back of the ambulance and I got in with her holding her hand with tears in my eyes. I really need her to be o ok.

We get to the hospital and they take her back but wouldn't let me go with her tho.

I am walking back and forward in the waiting room while my parents and our friends sit down. I should have went and got her. I hate myself because I knew i should have went and got her.

She has to be o ok because I can't lose her. She is my light and my everything.

The doctor finally walk in and told us that Airbags (front and side) deployed as expected and saved her - she got some minor cuts and bruises but she will be o ok. The doctor also said that we could see her and what room she was in.

He didnt have to tell me twice because as soon as I heard the room number she was in. I ran out of the waiting room and up to her room.

I got in her room and she was just laying there asleep still so I took my shoes off and shirt and got in the bed with her. I just wrapped my arms around her. I am so glad she is going to be o ok because I can't lose her.

This chapter is over. What y'all think about it? What y'all think about Lucy and Zachary ? Who was in the red big truck and was it an accident or not? Keep reading to find out what happens next. Keep comments and voting please. Thanks smooches 💋


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