S2.EP20 The Hofstadter Isotope*

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The apartment. The guys were eating Thai food.

Sheldon: Hu-u-u-uh.... Hu-u-u-uh!

Leonard: Problem?

Sheldon: This is Thai food.

Howard: Here we go.

Sheldon: We don't have Thai food on Thursday. We have pizza on Thursday.

Leonard: Yes, but we all agreed that the third Thursday of every month would be Anything Can Happen Thursday.

Sheldon: Well apparently the news didn't reach my digestive system, which, when startled, has its own version of Anything Can Happen Thursday.

Howard: Come on, the whole idea behind Anything Can Happen Thursday is to get out of this rut we've been in lately.

Sheldon: Rut? I think you mean consistency. And if we're going to abandon that, then why even call it Thursday? Let's call it Quonko Day and divide it into 29 hours of 17 minutes apiece, and celebrate it by sacrificing a goat to the mighty god Ra.

Raj: I could go for some goat.

Y/N: Might I add, I'm not in a rut. If anything, I'm in the form of my life, my science career is booming, I've nearly finished the prototype battery, I've collaborated to publish a paper and my relationship with Missy is the strongest it's ever been.

Raj: Yeah, congrats to the good-looking man, that is attractive and can talk to women, has a girlfriend

Raj said with sarcasm clearly feeling hurt.

Howard: And the form of your life is when you had a perfect week. A new girl every day, you lived my dream. Tell me what that was like. Please.

He said truthfully wishing he was Y/N that week and he really wanted to know more creeping Y/N out.

Sheldon: And may I point out that you co-writing that paper with Leslie Winkle is an act of betrayal. You collaborated with my arch-nemesis.

Y/N didn't respond to any of them and just got up and headed to the door.

Leonard: Where are you going?

Y/N: Home. Between his jealousy, his fantasizing, and Sheldon being Shfantasizingthink it's time I leave. Bye.

Y/N leaves.

Leonard: Well done guys, we pissed Y/N off.

Sheldon: My reaction was clearly justified. There's on the other hand maybe be overblown.

Leonard: Sheldon, we agreed we'd do something different tonight and you being a jackass is no different to any other day.

Sheldon: All right. Let's go to the comic book store.

Raj: We went to the comic book store last night.

Sheldon: Last night was Wednesday. Wednesday is comic book night. Tonight, we'll be going on Thursday, because it's Anything Can Happen Thursday.

Leonard: Way to think outside but pressed right up against the box, Sheldon.

Raj: So what are we going to do tonight?

Howard: If I may proffer a suggestion, in bars all across this great nation of ours, Thursday night is Ladies' Night. Which means, as Ladiesning progresses, we will get better looking courtesy of 99 cent margaritas and two-for99-centll-O shots.

Leonard: Come on, Howard, the odds of us picking up girls in a bar are practically zero. Since you guys pissed off our best wingman.

Howard: Really? Are you familiar with the Drake Equation?

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