S2.EP12 The Killer Robot Instability

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The apartment.

Howard: All right, that's the last servo. Behold the Mobile Omnidirectional Neutralization and Termination Eradicator. Or...


Howard: Featuring one articulated razor-sharp killing saw, one polycarbonate grinding and flipping wheel, steel armour plate exoskeleton top and bottom, and enough horsepower to drive a 110 pounds of mechanized death from zero to holy crap in 4.8 seconds.

Sheldon: Is it wrong to say I love our killer robot?

Raj: As with my father, I both love and fear it.

Leonard: You think we can defeat Y/N this year?

Howard: He's not entering he was too busy.

Sheldon: Yes, too busy taking my sister on the Orient Express instead of me.

He said like a child who had metaphorically thrown his toys out of the pram.

Leonard: Drop it, he was always going to take Missy.

Sheldon: I will now drop it, I'm going to win this competition so I can spite him and he will yield, admitting my superiority.

Howard: All right, enough chitchat, let's destroy something.

Together (lifting): One, two, three, go.

Raj: Okay. What shall be first to taste the wrath of Monte?

Leonard: Maybe we should start small.

Raj: Okay. Ooh, perhaps today is the day we finally find out what's inside the Magic Eight Ball.

Sheldon: Did it when I was four. It's an icosahedral dye floating in tinted blue water.

Raj: Man, call spoiler alert before you say things like that.

Leonard: How about the toaster oven?

Sheldon: What did the toaster oven ever do to you?

Leonard: What did I ever do to Jimmy Mullins in the third grade? He still punched me in the face with my own fists. Sorry, you little nerd, you were just in the wrong boys' room at the wrong time.

Howard: Gentlemen, goggles.

Sheldon: Yeah, this is an auspicious moment. Yeah, like Robert Oppenheimer or Neil Armstrong, we need the appropriate words to mark this historic scientific event.

Raj: How about "Die, toaster, die"?

Leonard: That'll do it.

Raj (after watching complete destruction of toaster oven): All right, what's next?

Stairwell. Y/N and Missy were back from their trip on the Orient Express.

Y/N: That was probably the best romantic getaway I've ever been on.

Missy: Me too. It was a lot more enjoyable than I imagined it would be.

Y/N: I know. We should go again sometime, it would be my treat.

Missy: I would like that but let's go somewhere else, not by train.

Y/N: Just me and you, as it should be.

Y/N grabbed Missy waist as Missy latched her arms around Y/N's neck as they begun to kiss in the hallway. Their kiss would be interrupted by Penny screaming as she ran down stairs trying to avoid the robot bursting through the 4A apartment's door.

Later on.

Howard: Oh yeah, they still got the full Monte.

Y/N entered the apartment with Missy and Penny behind him.

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