31. Thalia's tree.

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HAVING MADELINE IN THE CAMP WAS HARD. Especially when this girl was flirting with every woman and man in the camp. The camp held a little competition. Clarisse was just staring at Chris as he was being flirted by one of the Aphrodite kids.

Erika was climbing up a little wall, just to get to the top of it and get a little pearl.

Madeline was going against the girl. "You know, Erika, you should give up already." Madeline said, pushing one of the things Erika was standing on.

Falling down, she gripped one of the handles. "Why? You're just so obsessed with me that you just can't seem to leave me alone?" Erika asked, climbing up as she shoved the handle in, causing it to poke from the other side and jab her stomach, Falling from the stage, She watched Erika climb up to the very top as she snatch the pearl, Chiron and Dionysus looking proud as he poured alcohol on his glass, which turned into water.

".... Im tired of this." Dionysus said, shaking his head as he watched the entire thing with the demigods.

"You know for a fact you can't drink Alcohol." Chiron said, taking the drink away from Dionysus as his hooves started clopping against the floor. Slowly, the sound started decreasing the farther he went, finally throwing the bottle away.

Erika finally won, Madeline was just flabbergasted as Erika held the pearl high, slowly getting off.

"I'm so proud of you, Shorty." Clarisse said as she walked up to Erika, ruffling the brunette's hair.

"You actually won." Atlas commented sarcastically as if Erika wouldn't win. Erika just shot Atlas a punch.

"Be quiet." Erika said, handing Atlas the pearl like a gift, She got up to her tiptoes to ruffle Atlas's hair. The boy just rolled his eyes, Suddenly, there was a little thud from the outside, which caused the other kids to gather up at the field, where Dylan was executed. The thud was loud, It was like there was an earthquake happening.

"Jesus christ." Clarisse said as the two girls held onto each other. Erika just grabbed Atlas like a little sister, Atlas summoned a spear just in case, shielding the two girls like the man he's supposed to be.

There was another thud before the sheild that had the camp safe from the monsters broke, Thalia's tree, Minotaur, ran towards the camp, trying to kill everyone.

The camp started running away, The Minotaur managed to grab onto an unclaimed kid. Nuh, uh, only Erika could bully the unclaimed kids, Clarisse summoned a spear as Erika took a dagger.

The Minotaur threw almost everyone around and aside. Clarisse got thrown aside against one of the trees. Children of Athena tried to use their powers to do something, Unfortunately, Annabeth wasn't really around to help them.

Erika jabbed the Minotaur's leg as she grabbed onto its fur, Her lips bleeding, She felt bad to be honest, Not wanting to kill the minotaur, But no one was gonna treat Clarisse like that. Chris ran up to Clarisse to check up on the girl.

The Minotaur moved its head around, wanting Erika off its head as she summonded another dagger and jabbed his back with it, holding his horns tightly, She managed to crack it. The Minotaur roared in pain as Erika took her dagger and stabbed the minotaur again, slowly jabbing the dagger into its neck. She could feel herself being weak as she slowly got lowered to the ground, The Minotaur disappearing as she held onto the horn. Chris had taken Clarisse to the infirmary as Erika stumbled onto the ground.

Atlas ran up to Erika as she fainted into his arms. "Erika! You good?" Atlas said, picking his little sister figure and taking her unconscious self to the infirmary, not trusting anyone else with an unconscious body. Especially if they're children of gods like Zeus.

If you know, you know what kind of person Zeus is.

After a while, Erika woke up, wearing fresh clothes as Clarisse was on the bed next to Erika. She was okay, just bleeding as well.

"What is going on?" Erika said as she sat up, wearing new clothes. She noticed that she was wearing Percy's zip-up hoodie.

"Don't know. Come on." Clarisse said, getting off the bed. The two girls left the infirmary, walking outside only to see the whole camp outside. The goddess Demeter was trying to fix Thalia's tree.

"There we go." Demeter said, looking around at the kids. "Thalia is all fixed. She was just poisoned." Demeter said, looking back at the tree.

"Who poisoned her?" Erika asked, looking up at Demeter's human form. She crossed her arms as she looked up at the woman whose hair was braided and had all kinds of flowers in it.

"Don't know." Demeter shrugged. "But, the camp has to do something about this. Thalia is okay for now, though." She said, waving goodbye at her kids before she disappeared. A smile on the woman's face.

Everyone was surprised. Some kids pretended as if nothing happened, while the others were surprised. Erika stole Dionysus's phone again, Shifting off to woods, She typed in Percy's number from the heart, placing the phone against her ear. "Hello?" She said, looking around.

"Erika? Did you steal Dionysus's phone again?" Percy asked, confused as his voice was like... deeper than the last time she had spoken to him.

"Yes, i did. And you can't do anything about it because you love me so much." Erika said sarcastically. "When are you coming to camp?" She asked.

"About tomorrow."

"When is Annabeth coming back?"


"Okay. There's a lot going on. I'll tell you once you're back, just... hurry up." Erika said softly, fiddling with the necklace.

"Aw? You love me so much, Shortie." Percy teased.

"Listen up, sass queen, call me Shorty again, and i'll actually become all -"

"Listen, I gotta go, Love you, though." Percy said.

"Love you too, blondie." Erika admitted with an eyeroll, hanging up the call before she hid the phone. She just hoped that Thalia's tree would be okay.

A/n: This was such a random chapter 😭

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