32. New friend!

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Well..  Yeah. This unclaimed kid, who Erika would always get beef with, got claimed.

Blonde curly hair, Brown-ish eyes? He looked a lot like Dylan. Which was... stupid.

There was a ritual for unclaimed kids to get claimed, some pair of quests as the claimed kids just watched. Erika looked over and saw Atlas sitting next to Luke. Luke. Seriously? Well, who could blame him? Erika just rolled her eyes when a girl sat next to her, raven-coloured hair, brown eyes, overall really pretty, She sat next to Erika.

"You good?" Erika asked, looking up at the girl as she raised an eyebrow.

"Hm? Oh, yeah! I'm Daphne." The girl said, looking back at Erika.

"Oh, Daphne? That sounds like a cool name." Erika said. And that's where the two teens started being friends. And that's when the unclaimed kid, Aaron Samuels, A boy Erika's age,  got claimed as another Ares kid. Honestly, The two were seriously annoying the fuck out of eachother.

"Aaron, Shut the fuck up already." Erika said, looking up at Aaron who was annoying the hell out of the girl. The two siblings were on a little quest, collecting stupid strawberries for Demeter kids.

"Hey, Not my fault you're so pissy." Aaron said as he rolled his eyes, looking up at the girl who was just standing there. "You gonna do anything?"

"And touch the mud? No." Erika responded, rolling her eyes. "You got your swords and stuff ready? Someone's tryna poison Thalia's tree." She added, rolling her eyes as she tied her hair back.

"Yeah. I've heard, dumbass." Aaron responded with an eyeroll. "I'm surprised Atlas's boyfriend isn't doing anything. I'm sure bro would try to do anything like figure it out or some shit. Demeter can't keep on trying to fix Thalia. She probably won't anyway." He said, handing the gloves to Erika as she started plucking the strawberries and placing them in the basket.

"Oh. Don't speak of that bitch." Erika said, looking at the ground. "I can't stand him." She added, plucking more strawberries.


".... Last summer, He tried to kill Percy because he wouldn't join Kronos." Erika added, looking down at the strawberries. "And the summer before the last, He tried to kill me." She added, rolling her eyes as she threw one rotted strawberry away and kept the fresh ones.

".... Aww? Are you vulnerable for once?" Aaron began teasing, looking at the brunette with a smirk growing on his face.

".... Will you stop being a bitch for once?" Erika asked, looking at the blonde as she took a strawberry and threw it at him.

Aaron kissed his teeth as he rolled his eyes. "Soo... You know Annabeth, right?" He asked, trying to form a conversation with his new half-sister, whom he had always bickered with.

"I mean... She's my best friend." Erika said, looking back at Aaron. "Do you like her?" She asked, looking back at the strawberries.

".... Ew. No." Aaron scoffed. His explanation seemed so fake. "Just curious." He shrugged. Rolling his eyes again. "I like her hair." He added, looking back at Erika.

"Yeah, Her hair is pretty." Erika responded as she threw another rotten strawberry away.

Aaron looked around before his gaze went onto the basket. "Well, that was quick." He said, taking his gloves off. The basket was filled up with the strawberries.

"Yep." Erika said, taking her gloves off as she let her hair down once again. "Well then. See ya later." She added, walking away from Aaron.

Erika was with Daphne, just walking around with the girl before Clarisse walked upto the two.

"Heyy Erika." Clarisse said, looking down at Erika.

"Hey Claire, you okay?" She asked, saying the nickname she has for Clarisse.

"Mhm." Clarisse nodded. "Chiron wants to see that one." She said, her tone shifting as her face turned like as if she just wanted to murder Daphne.

"Sweetheart, I know you just wanted to talk to me, I mean, who wouldn't?" Daphne teased Clarisse, rolling her eyes.

"For once in my entire life, I think Annabeth is the better best friend." Clarisse said to Erika, knowing it probably pissed Daphne off.

Erika didn't know what to say, "Come on, Daphne. Bye Claire." Erika said as the two girls started walking off to Chiron's office.

"Erika, this is a private conversation. Chiron stated. Erika groaned and rolled her eyes as she hugged Daphne.

"I'll be out in a minute, alright?" Daphne said, looking down at the girl who just nodded and left.

Now, Erika was in her cabin, making a little trident pendant for Percy as a little gift as his birthday was coming on August 18th. She bullied Hephaestus kids to make a trident pendant as she started decorating it.

Well, that was before someone barged in, Daphne, tears streaming down their eyes. Erika quickly hid the pendant.

"Erika-" Daphne whimpered before the brunette wrapped her arms around the girl and hugged her tightly.

"Hey, hey, calm down." Erika said, after few seconds, Here the girls were, comforting Daphne.

"He did it, The gods decided my fate, Erika." Daphne sobbed as she wiped her tears.

Erika's face dropped as her gaze hardened. "But - what he did - He can't - your brothers!"

"He chose them over me." Daphne sobbed, looking up at Erika.

"Daphne, I'm sure you can change it -" Erika stammered, looking back at the girl.

"I wish I could, but im unlovable, Erika." Daphne cried out, looking up at her.

"No you're not." Erika said, looking back at the girl. Since they were outside of the camp, there was a high chance of monsters attacking them. After few minutes, Erika was successfully able to comfort Daphne. Erika decided to stay outside a little bit, That's when a monster decided to come outta nowhere and try to attack her.

Erika just got her sword out and beheaded the monster right there and then. "Bitch I just wanted to make Percy a gift." Erika sighed, unequipping the sword as she just began walking away to continue making Percy's gift.


୨⎯ The Daughter of Ares ⎯ ୧ ☾P. JACKSON x FEM OC☽Where stories live. Discover now