Episode 38

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Soon we got to the hospital, I and sir Ryan walked in. 

  we met samanthas dad and he gave him his office.  It was so big and beautiful. I had my own space too.

I sat down then cleaned my desk happy.

Few mintutes in, Samantha rushed  in.

" sir. I shifted your surgery , I don't think that lady has  much time " Samantha said

he looked at her curiously

" sir I think We should start her surgery now, that way we would have have enough time to fight complications ... seems she has a lot of issues combined " she said

" Clara get her health record" Ryan said  as he stood up. That was when I remembered that it was missing.

I bowed in frustration then I watched him leave.

What do I do now. The only place we did not search was sir Stevens office, Louisa said he would kill us but I keep suspecting him. I ran away.


I ran over to his office then I opened the door. It was empty , I tried moving when someone tapped me from behind, I turned. Doctor Steven

" who are you" he said

" we are looking for the health records, we already searched everywhere, you have to let me search this place " she said

" are you not the girl who came with Ryan, what audacity. Listen this place has been searched before and you have no right to search my office" he said

He pushed me then he locked his door, he tried slipping his key into his pocket so I dragged him , the key fell down

"I suspect you ,and I will make sure this office is searched thoroughly. I am going to meet the md" I said  then I ran off.

I hid behind the pavement then I watched him speak on call

" this won't work, move to plan be" he said. He left so I rushed over then I picked the keys. I ran into his office

" where on earth is Clara? " Ryan said checking his time

"Louisa you know how Clara is. How about you get the health record" Samantha said

" what record? They have been missing for months, no one knows where they are. I told Clara to tell you" I said

Ryan scoffed in disbelief

" what!!! "

" sir what do we do" Samantha whispered

" what do you want to do. can't you see she is dying. She is fucking dying on me" he shouted then picked his phone to make a call but he angrily smashed it

Everyone shivered in fear.

I saw a black cupboard so I rushed over. I opened it and there they are, all the health records. Why is Steven so heartless.

I started sorting out the files so I could separate the health records, but it suddenly felt so hot in here

I started choking and coughing, what is going on, smoke was everywhere

I wanted to run away but remembering how frustrated sir Ryan would be, seized my legs.

Instead I sorted the files as quickly as I could while watching the fire cover half the room. I would just follow the back door.

I carried them, Then I pushed the door open  and omg fire  🔥 I was surrounded by fire

I felt so scared , my tears fell

Just then the cupboards fell on each other and caught fire. I screamed in fear then I felt myself fall down.

I am loosing consciousness, what do I do?
I am so scared, sir Ryan please help me

a nurse rushed into the room

" sir Stevens office is on fire, the fire is too much, everyone is outside sir" she said

I just looked out the window quietly, she bowed then left. I brushed my hair  behind then I looked at the dying woman.

Where could Clara be, what is going through  that crazy mind of hers this time
And why do I feel like someone is calling out to me

Let's keep the votes coming fam

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