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Patrice, "Booga, Madam, and Jaz come get y'all children now! Running through my damn house knocking my shit down!"

Fatima, "Nana they're just babies!"

Patrice, "Babies my ass! Where their daddies at?"

Madam, "Now you know we don't know!"

Patrice, "Oouuu y'all some nasty hoes just like your grandma! I had 7 boyfriends and 3 husbands all at the same time!"

Floyd, "What was that?"

Patrice whispering, "He's just mad cause he's husband number 5!"

Jaz, "Nana you're crazy you know that?"

Floyd, "Bat shit crazy to be exact!"

Patrice, "Floyd keep damn trying me! You gone be swimming with the damn fishes!"

Floyd, "Better that than sleeping with a cow smelling like maneuver!"

Fatima, "Do y'all even love each other?" *laughing*

Patrice holding Floyd's hand, "Of course Booga! We love each other so much it hurts!" *digging her nails into Floyd's hand*

Floyd screaming, "Dammnnmm!"

Patrice, "See Booga! True love!"

Madam, "Well if that's the case then kiss!"

Floyd, "What?"

Fatima, "Actually that's a great idea! Since it is true love a kiss would definitely seal the deal!"

Patrice looked between the girls and Floyd and then they slid over and braced themselves for the KISS FROM HELL! They leaned over and kissed each other but it was nothing like how it normally is! This kiss was powerful and both were fighting for dominance! They pulled away from the kiss and looked at each other with lust in their eyes!

Patrice, "Get y'all children and go now!"

Floyd, "I'll get the whipped cream panties!"

The girls were so tickled at their antics but they decided to get their children and place them in their stroller since they were going to jog back to the park anyways! They reached the park and decided to let the kids play before going home!

Madam, "Y'all know Nana is never going to let us forget how our children need their daddies!"

Jaz, "I know but we have tried everything to find them!"

Fatima, "Who you telling I even had a friend run facial recognition but it was hard because you could barely see their faces!"

Madam, "I love Shiloh so much but I do feel like he needs his Father fr! I can teach him a lot but some things he needs to learn from him!"

Jaz, "I feel the same way! It's been 3 years and I've failed Isla miserably in the search to find her Father!"

Fatima, "Y'all we haven't failed! We know they're still out there we just haven't found them yet but I do know I can't give up when it comes to Willow! I'll go to the end of the world just to reunite my baby with her Father!"

Madam, "Them was some fine ass men though if I do say so myself but I just want my son to build something with him!"

Jaz, "Fine ain't the word hell! At first I wanted to make another beautiful baby but now I just want her to know who he is! So she'll never have to wonder!"

Fatima, "I'm telling you the older they get, the more questions they have but I don't want to be with him I just want him to be a part of our daughter's life!"

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