Fatima's House

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Fatima opened the door and embraced her baby!

Willow, "Mommy!"

Fatima, "Skye!"

She planted kisses all over her babies face, "I missed you so much!" She was so caught up in kissing her baby she didn't realize that her robe came open and exposed her negligé! She sat her down and hugged Zac! Whose hands wrapped around her waist under her robe!

Fatima, "Umm shit! I'm sorry!"

Zac laughed, "Did you forget I seen you naked?"

Fatima, "That was three years ago! My body has changed!"

Zac, "Yeah I see your ass is definitely fatter!"

Fatima bit her lip, "Let me go bathe my baby!"

She walked upstairs and Zac watched her the whole time! She ran Willows water and placed her oils in it! She bathed her and then dried her off before lotioning her down! She fell asleep and she placed her into her bed! Fatima walked back down the stairs and Zac was sitting on the couch! She joined him!

Fatima, "Did she have fun?"

Zac, "She did but you know she showed her ass at the trampoline park!"

Fatima, "What did she do?"

Zac, "Well a woman approached me! She was flirting and then she said Willow looked like me and she gone started screaming talking about NO MOMMY!"

Fatima was laughing, "That's my girl!"

Zac, "Oh so you think this is funny?"

Fatima, "Well she's got me several times hell compared to your one you should feel special!"

Zac, "I hear you, so how was your date?"

Fatima, "A total nightmare! His ass was dismissed early and me and the girls finished our dinner and came home! Good men are hard to find!"

Zac, "That's because you're not looking in front of you!"

Fatima, "Zac you really believe I don't see you huh?"

Zac, "I know you see me but I also know you want to fight your feelings!"

Fatima, "So tell me how I feel then Mr. Taylor!"

Zac, "You want me T! Just as much as I want you and then playing hard to get doesn't look well on you!"

Fatima, "I must admit I've thought about it but we aren't compatible right now!"

Zac, "That's funny coming from you!"

Fatima, "Why is that funny?"

Zac, "Because your body language, labored breathing and the hardness of your nipples tell need something else!"

Fatima, "Boy it's cold in here!"

Zac, "Whatever!"

Fatima, "Well explain your print?"

Zac, "I'm not about to lie to you! You turn me on in the worse way and unlike you, I'll embrace how I'm feeling!"

Fatima bit her lip and her eyes were still on the bulge in Zac's pants, "Umm it's late maybe you should go!"

Zac, "Sure! I'll see you in the morning!"

Fatima walked Zac to the door and he turned around to hug her! They looked into each other's eyes and she kissed him!

Fatima, "Damn! You had better go before we do something we'll regret!"

Zac rubbed behind her ear, "Who said I would regret it?"

He lifted her up and pinned her against the wall, "Oouu shit!"

Zac, "What about Willow?"

Fatima, "Sound proof rooms!"

Zac pulled at his pants and slid them down! Fatima bit her lip and he slid into her, "FUCK" was all they said before he sped up!

Fatima, "Oouuu shit yes right there! OMG!"

Zac, "Damn it's even better than I remembered!"

Fatima was creaming and her walls were pulsating!

Zac, "OOUU WTF!"

Fatima tightened her walls and Zac felt himself about to bust!

Zac, "Fatima baby let me go I'm about to bust!"

Fatima, "Uh Uh! Give me my nut daddy! Shit!"

Zac bussed inside of her and then her carried her upstairs to the shower! They showered and laid down!

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