These Kids

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The ladies got home and bathed their babies before showering themselves! Their phones were ringing in the group chat their mom created!

Phone Call

Marjorie, "Hey Babies!"

Fatima, "Hey Mommy!"

Madam, "Hey Ma!"

Jaz, "Hey Mama!"

Marjorie, "How are my babies and grandbabies?"

Fatima, "Well I'm fine and your Skye is busy as ever fr but I know she's just a baby so I'll give her some grace! That little girl been eating up everything not to mention she gets into everything! Idk how many doors in here I've had to lock and hang the key on the outside of! She's just so curious and mischievous!"

Madam, "I'm great! Shi is terrorizing everything around here fr! That boy has more energy than a bull on the day of the rodeo! He keeps me on my toes but God I be tired at the end of the day!"

Jaz, "We're good! Reign is a ball of energy fr! She just always climbing on something and jumping off! I had to pad up her room and move around some furniture just so she wouldn't bust her head open!"

Marjorie, "Well they're not doing nothing y'all haven't done! Skye is curious just like you Booga! I'm sure she'll make a wonderful lawyer! Reign is just like you Jaz! You used to jump off of furniture, dance on tables, and hide in the strangest places! You were a daredevil! You'll get used to it just like I had to! As for Shi, Madam you've always been my little assassin aka Menace to society! That's exactly what Shi is! He's your little assassin!"

Steve, "I know that's right cause y'all asses were bad asf!"

Fatima, "Hey Daddy I didn't know you were home!"

Steve, "That's because I'm quick with it! No one ever knows where I am!"

Madam, "Hey Da!"

Jaz, "Hey Dad!"

Steve, "Hey Girls! I see y'all been getting a little taste of your own medicine! Trust me when I tell you it gets worst! Soon they'll be rebellious and talking back just like y'all did then y'all really gone be going through it!"

Fatima, "They're at the age to get popped!"

Madam, "Ik that's right cause I'll pop Shi with the quickness!"

Jaz, "Hell Reign to! She knows right from wrong she just be testing me!"

Marjorie, "I know like hell y'all don't be popping my babies!"

In Unison, "And DO!!"

Steve, "See y'all done took this parenting too far! Don't be popping our babies!"

Fatima, "Like Jaz said! They know right from wrong!"

Madam, "Exactly and we have to show them better than we tell them!"

Jaz, "That's right because if we don't they'll be running over us and that's not happening!"

In Unison, "RIGHT!"

Marjorie, "Just keep y'all damn hands to yourself but I called you because I have this amazing private detective who would love to meet with y'all tomorrow around 9 to help y'all search for the babies daddies!"

Fatima, "That's fine by me!"

Madam, "Yeah I'll be there!"

Jaz, "That's perfect because my first appointment is at 9:30!"

Marjorie, "Good! We love y'all goodnight!"

In Unison, "Goodnight! We Love Y'all Too!"

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