The Date from HELL

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Floyd looked over at the me and chuckled, "Looks like y'all about to have to apply some pressure!"

Steve, "Idk about that my daughters are smart and they're not about to let a smooth talking fool get them!"

Zac, "This is a waiting game!"

Chris, "Right! We can't get mad about anything!"

J, "We know we aren't together so they are free game for now!"

Floyd, "So y'all about to let someone else slide in?"

Zac, "Hell No! They already know what it is when it comes to us!"

Chris, "Anything any nigga think they can do for them in that aspect we've done it ten times better!"

J, "They know wtf going on! I already know it's gonna be some heart broken men going home alone tonight!"

Meanwhile at "Southern Spark" the girls picked a restaurant that was owned by someone they all knew and loved Thomas "Tommy" Knight and his wife Sabrina Hollis-Knight! Tommy used to work for Madam but she was eager to help him elevate when he took a liking to cuisine! She helped him jump start his business and she's still a silent partner! He is still very much on her payroll but these days less is more so she doesn't need him as much as she used to! Him and Sabrina have been married for 8 years and they have a daughter and son Teagan and Thomas Jr.!

The women made sure their guns were loaded just in case they needed them! They walked up the sidewalk and into the restaurant!

Sabrina, "Well if it isn't my favorite ladies!"

Madam, "Hey Bri we have reservations!"

Sabrina, "Yea you do! Your guests are already here! Follow me!"

The woman followed Sabrina to their table! Their dates just sat there, didn't pull the chair out or nothing! That was the first red flag for them but Tommy was coming out of the back and he pulled their chair out so they could take a seat!

Fatima, "Tommy I'm glad someone is a gentleman!"

Jazlyn, "Exactly cause I'm two seconds short of cutting this fiasco short!"

Madam, "More like airing this bitch out but for now I'll oblige!"

Tommy, "Well if it isn't my favorite woman! What can we start you off with tonight?"

Fatima, "Can we have the crab cakes?"

Madam, "With a bottle of the Ace of Spades Rose!"

Jazlyn, "And some shots please!"


Fatima, "Nigga what?"

"That wine is $500 a bottle!"

Madam, "We eat and drink what we can afford!"

"Damn y'all got it like that!"

Jazlyn chuckled, "Maybe y'all should order from the kids menu or share an appetizer and get some water because clearly you can't afford your dinner!"

"Looks to me like y'all got it!"

Fatima, "Nigga we don't have shit! We work for what we got and aren't cheap!"

"Well y'all should've told us before bringing us to this expensive ass place!"

Madam, "The menu is readily available online! You should've looked at it!"

"Hell for these prices we could've taken you to Applebees!"

Jazlyn almost screamed, "You see we would've taken you up on that offer except you can't afford it!"

"When we asked you out we didn't know it would've costed us our whole life savings!"

Fatima, "That's the point, y'all asked! We didn't!"

Madam, "You also had the chance to pick the place and y'all refused!"

Jazlyn, "So as for now, this date is null and void! Y'all have a great night!"

The men got up and stormed off!

Fatima, "I can't take another date like this honey!"

Madam, "Are there any men who have jobs, morales, and standards left?"

Jazlyn looked at the women, "Yep!"

Fatima, "Who?"

Madam, "Exactly because I want to meet them!"

Jazlyn, "Oh just our BABY DADDIES!"

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