Jazlyn's House

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Jaz opened the door and embraced Isla! She had on some boy shorts and a crop top!

J, "Damn baby!"

Jaz, "Boy please! Did she have fun?"

J, "Yeah besides when she threw a tantrum about a woman approaching me talking about I want MOMMY!"

Jaz, "Isla not you done embarrassed daddy!"

J, "Exactly she threw salt in my game!"

Jaz, "Nigga what game?"

J, "I had enough game to pull and impregnate you quit playing with me!"

Jaz, "Oh you just had to throw that last part in there!"

J, "Of course! You already know the vibes when it comes to me so there shouldn't be any confusion!"

Jaz, "Whatever, I'm about to go bathe her!"

J, "How about I assist you?"

Jaz, "Sure come on!"

J and Jaz walked up stairs with Isla! She placed the oils into her water and he grabbed her clothes and towel off the bed! He let Jaz bathe and dry her off and he lotioned her down and put her clothes on! She laid her head on his shoulder and went to sleep! He tucked her in and Jazlyn was standing in the door!

Jaz, "She's real precious huh?"

J, "You have no idea! She's special just like her mama!"

Jaz, "Nigga don't sweet talk me! She is special though! I just love her little life fr!"

J, "Y'all know y'all have the same personality right?"

Jaz, "Do tell!"

J, "She's feisty and stubborn just like you! Y'all are twins!"

Jaz, "Boy I am not stubborn!"

J, "That's the only thing up heard huh?"

Jaz, "Yep and I'm not stubborn!"

J, "Jaz yes you are! You're standing here acting like you don't want me and you suck at it!"

Jaz, "That's because I don't want you J!"

J, "Yeah aight keep telling yourself that!"

Jaz, "Nigga you want me!"

J, "And I can admit that but you can't tell me you want me!"

J stepped closer to Jaz! They were now nose and nose! She was definitely hot and bothered!

Jaz, "I can't say I haven't thought about it in the past but it's different now!"

J, "There's not much of a difference besides my presence! I'm still the same man that had you bent over a balcony in Mexico THREE years ago or have you forgotten!"

Jaz bit her lip, "It's hard to forget with my baby laying here!"

J, "We made something beautiful and we can definitely make more beautiful babies!"

Jaz, "Nigga my husband is the only one I'm making other babies with you're just my baby daddy!"

J gripped Jaz up, "Put some respect on my name mamas! I am your husband! You know it and I know it too! Just because I haven't given you the ring doesn't mean I'm not the one!"

Jaz, "Fuck Outta here!"

J, "Just tell me I'm lying! Tell me you don't want me and you want me to go!"

Jaz went to speak but J kissed her over and over again!

J, "Tell me you don't want me! Tell me you want me to leave! Tell me I'm not the man you've been looking for!"

Jaz held her hand out to stop him but he pinned them about her head!

Jaz, "Our baby is sleeping J!"

J, "Point me towards your room!"

Jaz pointed and J picked her up and threw her over his shoulder! They entered the room and he pulled her boy shorts down exposing her pussy! He pushed her legs up by her head and slid in!

Jaz, "OMG!"

J, "SHIT!"

J was giving her long and deep strokes! At one point she thought she felt him tickling her kidney! She placed her hand out but that didn't stop him! She started creaming and screaming, "Yes Daddy FUCK ME!" She wrapped her hands around his waist and pulled him in deeper! He was about to bust so he tried to slide back but Jazlyn pushed him in further!

J, "Baby let me go! I'm about to combust!"

Jaz, "Nah nigga you wanted this pussy and it's yours!"

They climaxed together and went to shower and then laid down!

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