Madam's House

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Madam opened the door, "Hey Handsome!"

Chris, "Hey Sexy!"

Madam, "Boy I'm talking to my baby!"

Shiloh, "MOMMY!"

Madam leaned down to pick him up and her breasts were exposed!

Chris, "I see they're still perky!"

Madam looked up and laughed, "Boy mind your business!"

Chris, "As far as I'm concerned I'm looking at my business!"

Madam, "Let me go bathe my baby!"

Chris, "How about you relax and I'll bathe him!"

Madam, "That's fine! Everything you need is in the bathroom!"

Chris, "Okay cool!"

Chris took Shiloh upstairs while Madam watched tv in the living room! He finished and came downstairs!

Madam, "Is he sleep?"

Chris, "He should be after how he showed out today!"

Madam, "First of all don't do my baby and second of all what did he do?"

Chris, "Well a woman approached me and he had a fit! She said he looked like me and he said CALL MOMMY!"

Madam was laughing, "Well at least he didn't do you how he does me all the time! I swear that boy doesn't let no man get near me!"

Chris. "Well except me!"

Madam, "There is no exception! You are his father!"

Chris, "Maybe so but I'm still a man and he hasn't given me the blues about being close to you yet!"

Madam, "Rightfully so he sees you as a protector instead of a threat!"

Chris, "Well how do you see me?"

Madam, "I know a good man when I see one!"

Chris, "So why aren't you trying to give me a chance!"

Madam almost choked on her water, "I just feel like the people we were THREE years ago, aren't the same people we are now!"

Chris, "Of course we have changed and there's nothing wrong with that! You know I can be all the man you need!"

Madam, "Who said I needed a man?"

Chris, "The lip biting, the leg shaking and the way you're pushing your legs together! You are turned on and you want me too! You're just trying to keep your guard up and I'll respect your boundaries! How was your date?"

Madam, "I almost shot all three of them mfs! Just a waste of men fr! I have never met men who were so ignorant!"

Chris, "Well I know a few but you have to stop looking and choose what's right in front of you!"

Madam, "Christian you really want me?

Chris, "Uhhh yeah!"

Madam, You don't even know me!"

Chris, "I ran a background check and I know all I need to know!"

Madam, "So you're the one who ran a background check on me?"

Chris, "Yes ma'am!"

Madam, "Touché because I ran one on you as well!"

Chris, "I know but all jokes aside! I want you! I want all of you! Idc about nothing you've did in the past I just care about here and now! And in this moment I'm here!"

Madam, "Well that was touching truly! If our rap sheet wasn't about the same length, I would've sworn you were joking!"

Chris, "I have a past Madam and I don't try to hide it! I'm just a street nigga turned business man it's in my blood!"

Madam was turned on Chile! She loves a nigga that has a little bit of hood in him and Christian was speaking her language! He seen her in a trance and rubbed her thigh which took her into overdrive! She climbed on top of him and slid her panties to the side! His fingers roamed between her creases and they locked eyes!

Chris, "Damn you're wet!"

He slid in! Madam's eyes started rolling! She placed her hands on his chest and balanced her feet under her and started to catch her rhythm! She was giving him the business and then he started fucking her from underneath! Her juices were flowing, and he was riding the wave! Her walls tightened and his dick started pulsating they both were about to climax together!

Chris, "Baby get up, I'm about to buss!"

Madam, "Nah nigga don't think you about to fuck me this good and I don't catch the nut!"

They showered and called it a night!

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