Searching the Park

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Zac, "Man I really hope they're here!"

Chris, "Me too!"

J, "Let's just pray we have found them so we can finish our hunt once and for all!"

The guys entered the park but they didn't see the girls anywhere in sight! They decided to stick around a little longer and seen three of the most beautiful children playing in the sand!

Zac, "That little girl right there looks just like ma!"

Chris, "Hell that little boy looks like the younger version of me!"

J, "The other little girl looks just like Alana!"

Zac, "She really does! Those are some beautiful kids man! What do y'all think our kids will look like?"

Chris, "Just like that!"

J, "There's no doubt in my mind that they'll be beautiful man! I want a little girl!"

Zac, "You know I've always wanted a little girl!"

Chris, "Y'all know I want a little boy!"

Zac, "Hell yeah so he can be a little menace just like your ass!"

J, "Do you think our kids will be bad asf?"

Chris, "Is that even a question? Now y'all know we gave Mama and daddy the blues!"

Zac, "Hell yeah! Alana was the only one who didn't!"

J, "Lala was just sneaky asf! She's always been sneaky and got away with so much! Meanwhile we got caught!"

Chris, "That's because we always did crimes together and not separate so it was easier for us to get caught!"

Zac, "Hell look at our asses now! Still together!"

The guys chopped it up a little while longer and continued to look around for the women! They had been waiting for a while and didn't see them so they decided to leave! The got up to go and walked right past Steve and Marjorie!

Steve, "Now those men right there seem like nice men!"

Marjorie, "I can see that! Nice build! Expensive cologne! Strong hands!"

Steve, "Exactly! They remind me so much of myself when I was younger!"

Marjorie, "Oh you're saying they're thugs that were saved by the streets huh?"

Steve, "Is that how you seen me?"

Marjorie, "Actually No! You demanded the room! Had a smooth demeanor and moved me with your words!"

Steve, "Hell I can still do all that and much more!"

Marjorie, "Just show me tonight daddy!"

Steve, "Girl you better stop!"

Steve and Marjorie finished their conversation and grabbed their grandbabies placing them into their strollers before walking back to Patrice and Floyd's house! When they arrived! They placed them into the truck and headed back to their house! They figured it was no point in interrupting Patrice and Floyd again!

Meanwhile the women had just clocked out and were eager to get home to their babies! They arrived at their parent's house at the same time!

Willow, Shiloh, and Isla, "Mommy!"

Fatima, Madam, and Jaz, "Hey Baby!" *picking their children up*

Fatima, "Were they good today?"

Marjorie, "They're always good!"

Madam, "Now that's a little far fetched!"

J, "Exactly did they have fun?"

Steve, "Yes they did! We went to the park today!"

Fatima, "Good! Maybe they're tired enough to go eat, bathe and go to bed!"

Madam, "Fr cause I'm exhausted!"

J, "I thought I was the only one! I stood on my feet too long today!"

Marjorie, "They should be tired enough and if they aren't they will be real soon! We will see y'all tomorrow!"

Steve, "Drive safe and let us know when you get home!"

The Girls, "We will! We Love you! Goodnight!"

Marjorie & Steve, "We love you too! Goodnight!"

The girls buckled their babies up and said their goodbyes before leaving!

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