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The women got home and bathed their babies before feeding them and letting them play! Around 8 they all fell asleep and they tucked them into bed before going right behind them! The next morning, they decided to go to work a little later because their dad had a meeting and they didn't want their mom to have all three babies alone!

Steve walked into his meeting with confidence!

Cody, "Hello you must be Mr. Wilson?"

Steve, "Hello! Yes I am!"

Cody, "Well you can follow me to the back they're waiting!"

Steve followed Cody to a conference room in the back and then they entered!

Cody, "Mr. Wilson, this is Zachary, Christian, and Jeremiah Taylor the owners of Taylor in Arms!"

Steve, "Hello Young Men! It's nice to meet all of you! Let's get down to business shall we!"

Zac, "Yes we shall! The reason we wanted you here is because we know you're an OG when it comes to Engineering! We would love your expertise on our upcoming project!"

Steve, "Well I've did my research and I was actually impressed! You young men have did wonderful things for the community and your contribution to felons and inmates has been impactful all around so I definitely can see myself investing in and consulting on your project!"

Chris, "This means a lot to us!"

Steve, "Keep doing what you're doing I remember when I was starting out and someone believed in me and my vision for my corporation! It's always a bonus having someone of stature in your corner!"

J, "This is something we know that's why we were thrilled when you accepted the appointment for this meeting!"

Steve, "So tell me more about your corporation!"

Zac, "Well Tailored in Arms was founded about 6 years ago! We were fresh out of prison and it was hard getting anyone besides our families to believe in our cause! One day we met a man by the name of Floyd Jackson! He taught us a lot! He basically took us under his wing and molded us into the business men we are today! He was the first to invest in us and our dream!"

Steve, "Oh shit that's my father in law! Atlanta is small fr!"

Chris, "Fr? Mr. Floyd was a cool dude always willing to teach the game! He always said, "People will try to finesse you but they can't take from you if you know the game!"

Steve, "Yeah that's definitely my dad ! He says that all the time!"

J, "Man that's wild! We haven't seen him in years!"

Steve, "Well he's a deacon now!"

Zac, "Not the pimp! A deacon! Is he still with Mrs. Pat?"

Steve, "Yeah! They're still the toxic duo!"

Chris, "Man they were so funny they use to eat each other up all the time! Just straight comedy!"

Steve, "Yeah they're still the same just too old to change! Y'all should come to church Sunday! I know they would love to y'all! I won't tell them either! It'll be a surprise!"

J, "That sounds like a plan! We will be there!"

The men wrapped up their meeting and Steve headed home so his daughters could prepare to go to work plus he missed his grandbabies! He got home and the girls were already there!

Marjorie, "How was your meeting baby?"

Steve, "It was great! I really think their organization will be beneficial and I'm excited to be apart of it moving forward!"

Marjorie, "Well that's good!"

The Girls, "Good Morning Daddy! We love you but we have to go! We will see y'all later!"

Steve, "I love y'all too! Drive safe!"

The girls hugged their parents and kissed their babies before leaving!

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