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Fatima arrived at her office and got straight to work! She had been thinking about finding her baby's father for so long, she didn't know exactly what she would say to him when she did see him! She couldn't explain why things ended how they did and she also didn't want to play 20 questions either! She just wanted him to be the daddy Willow needed and spend time with her! She knew her baby deserved so much and although she was giving her the world, maybe he could at the moon and stars to that as well!

Madam arrived to her club and she was still very much in deep thought! She wanted the best for Shiloh and she knew meeting and having his dad around would be a major milestone for him! She wanted him to have the joy of knowing both of his parents just like she did! Even though he was conceived from drunk, rough sex he still deserved to be able to have a bond with the man he would call daddy!

Jaz on the other hand made it to her suite and started working on her clients! She needed to get Isla's dad out of her head! For them to have been unable to find each other for three years they must not be compatible! She knew her baby needed both of her parents though and she would stop at nothing to make that happen! When Isla was born, she saved her from herself and she knew she would give the same type of energy to her daddy when she does meet him!

All three women had faith in Maurice even though things seemed shady! He was their last resort and they needed him to help them find the men that rocked their world and gave them the biggest blessing they could've ever asked for! They honestly wanted to thank them for their babies! Before they came into their lives, they were definitely wild women and now they were conservative with a hint of hood!

The guys on the other hand were hell bent on finding them! They were so irritated with the fact that they missed the women and then they realized it wasn't the first time!

Zac, "Yooo so do y'all remember when we ran to the park?"

Chris, "Hell yeah! You were running like we were in a marathon!"

J, "Zac I think you're on to something the vehicles in the video!"

Zac, "Exactly they were pulling away when we were running up!"

Chris, "Yoo that's wild asf now that I think about it!"

J, "Exactly and Chris said the clues were right in front of us!"

Zac, "We definitely missed them!"

Chris, "By seconds literally! I remember because I thought it was strange that three vehicles would be leaving the park at the same time, going in the same direction in a line!"

J, "Definitely now we know that it was them! Hell the only thing we don't know is their real names!"

Zac, "This shit is wild asf!"

Chris, "I know what you mean man! It's like they keep slipping away!"

J, "Not for long! Y'all know Maurice gone do his thing! Unless the stars align just right and we meet them unexpectedly on our own!"

Zac, "Now that would be nice! Let's just pray the stars align and the spark is still in the groove if you know what I mean!"

Chris & J, "Oh we know!"

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