The Center

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The next morning everyone got up and did their morning routine! The guys left to go get ready for the day after helping the women cook, feed, bathe, and dress the babies! They all arrived at the center at the same time!

God's Child LLC

The women took the babies out of their vehicles and the men were coming up the sidewalk!

Isla, Willow, and Shiloh, "DADDY!"

The babies jumped into their dad's arms! They walked in together and lo and behold Karen, Pam, and Belinda were standing right there! The women stood back and watched because they caught the vibe!

Karen, "Umm I see we meet again Zachary!"

Pam, "Hey Christian!"

Belinda, "Mmm Hey Jeremiah!"

The men gave a dry and awkward wave!

Karen, Pam, and Belinda turned their attention to the women! They didn't say anything! They were still watching! If looks could kill they would've been 15 feet under!

The babies could no longer see their moms so they started crying, "MOMMYYY!"

Karen, Pam, and Belinda stepped towards the men!

Karen, "Aww let me see her!"

Pam, "Come here little man!"

Belinda, "It's okay baby, I'll get her!"

Before they could put their hands up good! The women stepped in front of them!

Fatima, "That's not a wise decision!"

Madam, "You had better put your MF hands down!"

Jazlyn, "Wrong decision! Wrong child!"

Isla, Shiloh, and Willow, "MOMMY!" *reaching for the women who picked them up*

The women looked at the men!

Fatima, "STRIKE ONE!"

Madam, "You better handle that!"

Jazlyn, "Before we do!"

Mrs. Ella walked out, "Well if it isn't my little babies and their beautiful mothers! Ahhh look at my handsome men!"

Mrs. Ella hugged all of them, "Zac, Chris, and J what brings y'all by?"

Zac, "We came to drop off our babies!"

Mrs. Ella, "Babies?"

Chris, "Yes ma'am we are fathers!"

Mrs. Ella, "To which children baby?"

J, "Well Willow, Isla, and Shiloh are your grandchildren!"

Mrs. Ella, "Ahhh that's wonderful news! Fatherhood looks good on y'all! So I'm guessing we are updating paperwork!"

Fatima, "Yes ma'am, we need to add them to the pick up list!"

Madam, "We also need to add them to the emergency contact list!"

Jaz, "We will cone back at a later day for a name change!"

Mrs. Ella, "That's fine! Ladies you can follow me and Guys y'all can sign them in and inform your sister of the good news!"

Everyone, "Yes ma'am!"

The guys walked into their sisters room and signed the babies in!

Alana, "Now why are y'all coming in here with my babies on your hip!"

Zac, "Because they're our babies!"

Alana, "All this time you've never brought them in!"

Chris, "Well their moms are the women we were looking for and then we found out we are daddies!"

Alana, "Well congratulations! They are sweet children!"

J, "Well we can't take credit for that! That right there goes to their moms!"

Alana, "Well I know y'all will make amazing fathers!"

Meanwhile in the office, the women were updating their paperwork!

Mrs. Ella, "Now y'all know you are my favorite parents and I'm happy you've placed the smiles back on my sons faces! They are definitely great men!"

Fatima, "Yeah they are!"

Madam, "They're even better fathers!"

Jaz, "Exactly they've loved and cared for our babies since finding out about them!"

Mrs. Ella, "They were raised right and they'll always do the right thing! I see the joy in their eyes! Especially after announcing that they are dads! I pray they never lose that spark!"

The women finished the paperwork and met the guys outside!

Fatima, "We will see y'all at the hospital!"

Zac, "Cool we will meet you there!

They hugged and parted ways!

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