The Investigatior

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The next morning, the girls got up and got their babies dressed before dropping them off with their parents!

Marjorie, "Look at Glammy's babies!"

Steve, "There goes Poppy's little Tasmanian Devils!"

Fatima, "Y'all don't see us here?"

Madam, "Ig not!"

Jaz, "Right because I just know we aren't invisible!"

Marjorie, "Hey Babies!"

In Unison, "Hey Mommy!"

Steve, "Hell I seen y'all asses! Y'all just can't stand not having the attention!"

Fatima, "Well y'all are the reason we are like this!"

Marjorie, "Blame your father!"

Steve, "Don't blame me! I just showed y'all the proper love and affection!"

Marjorie, "And I didn't?" *looking up at her husband*

Steve, "Yes baby you did but I did a little bit more spoiling!"

Madam, "Nice turn around daddy!"

Jaz, "Exactly cause Mama was about to eat you alive!"

Marjorie, "Speaking of eating did they?"

Fatima, "Willow had a waffle, sausage patty and blueberry muffins!"

Madam, "Shiloh had a pancake, eggs, and a strawberry brownie!

Jaz, "Isla had some hash browns, bacon, and banana bread!"

Steve, "Y'all giving them sugar in the morning?"

Fatima, "Correction daddy! We give them what we know they'll eat!"

Madam, "Exactly I'm not about to starve my baby!"

Jaz, "Fr cause Isla is very picky!"

Marjorie, "Y'all better start giving them some healthier options for example Willow could've had blueberries, Shiloh could've had strawberries, and Isla could've had a banana!"

Jaz, "Mama ain't nothing wrong with a little sweets in the morning!"

Steve, "You say that until they're bouncing off of walls!"

Fatima laughing, "Well their energy will match their grandparents!"

Madam, "We have to get going! We love y'all and them!"

Jaz, "We will see y'all around 4:30!"

The girls kissed their babies and hugged their parents before leaving! They wanted to go meet the private detective early! They arrived at the same time and got out! The building had a big sign that said "TRAPPED" and under the name it said "Investigator NOT Instigator"!

Madam, "What kinda shit is this?"

Fatima, "Seems real shady if you ask me!"

Jaz, "Well I trust mama so let's just go!"

Madam, "Y'all are packing just in case this shit go left right?"

Fatima, "Now you know MY HOE GO EVERY WHERE I GO!"

Madam looked over at Jaz, "Pearl is always on me!"

Madam, "Good! Now let's go!"

They walked inside of the building and the owner popped up!

Owner, "Oouuu y'all are some bad bitches which means y'all must be Mrs. Marjorie's Daughters!"

Madam, "Nigga you could've got shot! Hell as many bells and whistles in here make some damn noise or something!"

Owner, "My bad! I wasn't expecting y'all until 9:30!"

Fatima, "Well as you can see we like to be early!"

Owner, "I like that! I don't like them late bitches who don't never have money and always book an appointment just to show up later than a MF with 8 kids!"

Jaz, "Well that's not us! We are punctual and we prefer to get straight to business so we brought a folder!"

The owner grabbed the folder and started scheming through it!

Owner, "The faces are visible to the eye but may be harder to clarify! It may take some time! Did your mom tell you my price?"

Madam, "Yes and we have it!" *Putting the bag of money on the counter*

Owner, "Damn I need to hang out with y'all! Why the cash though?"

Fatima, "When doing our private business we never leave a paper trail!"

Jaz, "Everything is there!"

Owner, "Well can I at least have a name?"

Fatima, "Booga!"

Madam, "Madam!"

Jaz, "Jaz!"

Owner, "Well I'm MAURICE WEBB! The most EXTRAVAGANT BITCH THERE IS! Those names are real Mysterious though!"

Madam, "Everyone has a little mystery to them! We just like to make ours known!"

Maurice, "Well I like it! Do y'all have any contact information so I can give y'all an update!"

Jaz, "No we will contact you! In a day or two!"

Maurice, "That's fine! I'll get started on it right away!"

The girls nodded and left to head to work!

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