Slipping away

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The guys decided to call Maurice and see if he had a lead on the women!

Phone Call

Maurice, "EXTRAVAGANZA! Thank You for Calling Trapped! It's a shady name but just know I don't play no games! This is Maurice Webb how can the DIVA service you?"

Zac, "Cause why tf is your introduction so damn long Mar!"

Maurice, "Ouu Hey Sexy Succulent!"

Chris, "Maurice this is a business call! You can act on your sexual delusions later!"

Maurice, "Oh y'all calling to see have I found your women!"

J, "Of course Maurice why else would we call your ass?"

Maurice, "To hear my voice chile but I haven't found them! I can tell you they haven't called either! I'm still processing the photos and surveillance! When they came in here they didn't touch anything either so I can't pull fingerprints and walking through the door Madam opened it and she had on gloves!"

Zac, "Why is this so hard?"

Chris, "Honestly idk they're in our grasp and it's like we still can't reach them!"

J, "Exactly which is crazy to me because this area is small! Everybody knows everybody literally!"

Maurice, "Well I'm a step closer to finishing the processing of the photos! Hell these bitches are way too mysterious for me! It's never been this hard to find anyone!"

Zac, "Well we know you can do it! Mar we have faith in you!"

Maurice, "Hold on I have a call waiting"!

Maurice clicked over, "Hello!"

Madam, "Have you found them?"

Maurice realized who he was talking to and tried to track the call!

Maurice, "Uhh no I'm still trying to figure out the men in the pictures!"

Madam, "Alright! Well thank you!"

With that she hung up! Maurice did track the call but it was scattered all over the US! It was like the signals were bouncing off of towers internationally! Maurice sighed and clicked back over!

Maurice, "I'm back!"

Zac, "Was that them?"

Maurice, "It sounded like Madam!"

Chris, "Were you able to track the call?"

Maurice, "I did but the signal is bouncing off of towers so because it's scattered idk her true locations!"

Zac, "They must be part of the CIA or something cause ain't no way!"

Maurice, "Like I told you, they're good! Too good actually! I might have to refund you because idk if I'll be able to handle this task!"

Chris, "Nah you've been trying! Plus you got a family to feed to!"

J, "We will never take from you!"

Maurice, "I appreciate it man but I'll keep trying for y'all!"

Zac, "No problem!" *the line disconnect*

This was a Friday so they figured maybe just maybe they would see them at the park! Unbeknownst to them, Steve and Marjorie had the kids!

Steve and Marjorie arrived 5 minutes before the guys! They took the babies to the ice cream truck and Zac, Chris, and J went to look around the park! They had prayed so hard to see the women but they seemed to be coming up short! The moment they were about to leave, they seen Steve, Marjorie, and the babies eating their ice cream!

Zac, "Hey Mr. Wilson!"

Steve, "Well if it isn't the sons I never had!"

Chris, "Who are these cuties?" *Playing with the babies*

Steve, "Our grandbabies Isla, Willow, and Shiloh!"

J, "Those are some beautiful babies and names!"

Marjorie, "Their mother's are equally as beautiful!"

Steve, "This is my wife Marjorie!"

Zac, "A beautiful name befitting a beautiful woman! It's a pleasure meeting you!"

Marjorie, "Wait until you meet their Mother's their names are definitely befitting and the pleasure is all mine!"

Chris, "Well if you don't mind us asking what are they?"

Steve, "Fatima, Marilyn, and Jazlyn"

J, "Those are beautiful names! Well we were here looking for someone but it's apparent that they aren't here so we need to get back to the office!"

Zac, "Y'all enjoy your day!"

Chris, "It was nice meeting the cuties!"

They walked away!

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