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The guys decided it was time to go see their private investigator friend! He was definitely EXTRAVAGANT but he was the best at what he did! They met up at their business and decided to carpool!

Zac, "Y'all I really think he may be able to help us!"

Chris, "I hope so because we need him right now!"

J, "Exactly he is just always on that freaky shit!"

Zac, "Why can't  you just over look that?"

Chris, "You already know how he is!"

J, "I be trying but one day he grabbed my ass and I almost lost it! He's cool people though don't get me wrong!"

The guys pulled up and entered the building!

Maurice, "Well if it isn't the finest men in the metro area!"

Zac, "Wassup Mar! How's business treating you!"

Maurice, "Business is booming per usual! A bitch about to buy her some new pearls! I just made $6,000!"

Chris, "Sounds like you are handling business!"

Maurice, "You know a diva has to get hers! Hey J!"

J, "Hello Maurice!"

Maurice, "Why are you so formal with it?"

J, "Because this is a business meeting!"

Maurice, "Well y'all didn't have appointments so it sounds personal!"

Zac, "Well it is! You see we met these women in Mexico 3 years ago! We had an amazing night of passion and now we are looking for them!"

Maurice, "Hmmm! Do y'all have any kind of pictures or names?"

Zac, "Well here's a picture of the first girl!"

Chris, "Here's the second!"

J, "Here's the third!"

Maurice, "Do y'all have names for these women?"

Zac, "All I know is BOOGA!"

Chris, "MADAM!"

J, "JAZ!"

Maurice gasped loud asf!

Zac, "What tf is wrong with your ass?"

Chris, "That must be an adverse reaction to a stroke or something!"

J, "Is he paralyzed? He's not moving!"

Maurice, "Y'all are real funny and no I didn't have a stroke NIGGA!"

Zac, "So why did you react like that?"

Maurice, "Because three of the baddest bitches in Atlanta came in here about 30 minutes ago! They stated they were looking for three men! They didn't say why or give any details! Their mom reached out first and she's cool people but they were definitely mysterious!"

Chris, "How so?"

Maurice, "They handed me a duffel bag in cash and said that they don't leave paper trails when handling personal business! I asked for their number and they said they would reach out to me! Hell even when their mom called she used a burner because I've tried reaching her multiple times but the line is disconnected! Then they gave me some shady ass names!"

J, "What were they?"

Maurice, "Booga, Madam, and Jaz!"

Zac, "So they are looking for us?"

Maurice, "Must be! They gave me a folder of pictures but I couldn't really see the faces of the men! Not clear enough anyways!"

Chris, "Do you have surveillance?"

Maurice, "Now you know 12 be watching but I do have it on the outside cause this is a rough neighborhood!"

J, "Can we see the footage?"

Maurice, "Sure!"

Maurice pulled up the footage from outside on his phone and the men watched attentively!

Zac, "Yep that's them!"

Chris, "Damn they're still fine asf!"

J, "Hell yeah just juicy!"

Maurice, "I can try to see the license plate numbers!"

Maurice fast forwarded the tape but their license plate was covered!

Zac, "Damn they've been around here the whole time!"

Chris, "Man I told your ass the clues were in front of us!"

J, "And we missed every last one of them!"

The guys were at a loss for words but they had Maurice to agree to contact them if the girls contact him and then they left!

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