Be Gone!

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Madam, "We don't want them though right?"

Fatima, "They are fine asf but for now it's a conflict of interest!"

Jazlyn, "All I know is if I am not on top of a man soon, my lady parts will explode!"

Madam, "Girl who you telling! I keep going to get my waxes and realizing ain't nobody waxed this ass in THREE damn years!"

Fatima, "Girl right! My rose is in overdrive and I know she's tired of me!"

Jazlyn, "Who you telling I've been through 3 in THREE years!"

Madam, "Just look at us! We might as well date ourselves at least we know we won't be disappointed!"

Fatima, "Right! It's a must that we figure this dating shit out because Willow makes it extremely hard to date!"

Jazlyn, "Who you telling Isla stomped the foot of the last man that hit on me in public!"

Madam, "That ain't nothing Shiloh stood there and stared the man up and down, then he grabbed my hand and pulled me in the opposite direction!"

Fatima, "Children are something else! Their sense of humor is unmatched but they didn't do that with their dads!"

Jazlyn, "Right! And they listened to them which shocked the hell out of me!"

Madam, "They know who to play with and who not to play with!"

The food came out and the girls just talked and laughed!

Meanwhile the men were bonding with their babies! They ended up talking them to the trampoline park! Where the guys were getting hit on none stop!

Karen, Pam and Belinda were playing with their children, Kannon, Peyton, and Bryce! They had their eyes on the men!

Zac, Chris, and J were jumping and playing with their kids! They finished jumping and took them to sit down to eat! That's when the ladies seen an opportunity to approach them!

Karen, Pam, and Belinda, "Hey! How are you?"

Zac, Chris, and J, "I'm fine!"

Karen, Pam, and Belinda, "What's your name?"

"Zachary "

"Christian "






Zac, Chris, and J, "Well it's nice to meet you!"

The children were side eyeing the women! Their dad's noticed!

Karen, "Aww they're so cute!"

Pam, "Exactly!"

Belinda, "I can see they get their looks from their dads!"

Willow, "NO MOMMY!"


Shiloh, "CALL MOMMY!"

The men knew exactly what their children were doing but Karen, Pam, and Belinda were clueless!

Zac, "It was nice to meet y'all but that's our cue!"

Chris, "Yeah it's time to go!"

J cleaned the children up while Zac threw away the food and Christian cleaned the table! They picked their babies up who were still having their tantrum but stopped! They looked at the women standing there dumbfounded and stuck their tongues out before laying their heads on their dad's shoulders !

The men were shaking their heads! They were truly the reflection of their moms! They looked at the time and it was 8:30 so by the time they made it to the girls neighborhood it would be 9!

The women had already paid and left the restaurant heading home! They showered and placed their robes on! The day was draining and they were still stuck on their chaotic dates! They also missed their babies! They were so ready for them to get home so they can love on them and cuddle up with them because they wouldn't be sleeping with no one else tonight! They were coming downstairs and the doorbell rung!

The next few chapters will be separate and focus on interactions at the girls homes separately! Are y'all down for the ride?

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