Episode 39

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We watched the fire outside , leaving sir Ryan inside.

We called the fire department but they had not arrived yet.

SIR RYAN  suddenly ran out of nowhere then he ran into the fire. Security men caught him on time and held him.

Oh my God! the md rushed out

" Ryan what are you doing. Do you want your dad to burn down this hospital? Why are you running into the fire " the man shouted

"Are you all stupid? Someone is in there" Ryan shouted

He pushed the security men away then he ran into the fire. He kicked the door open then he jumped in.

The md hastily called the fire department

"Where the hell are you guys" he shouted
" we are on our way. We are a bit busy" they said
" busy?  Busy!!!! The dervantes only child is inside the fire.  If anything happens to Ryan,  well! do I  even need to say it-
"OMG, we are on our sir. We would be there in few seconds. What are you doing move it!! " the man shouted ending the call.

Wow so they where not even busy after all.

Oh no Clara. I can't believe she is really here, I just figured but.
I ran to Clara on the floor then I lifted the couch that fell on her.
I carried her in my arms as I knelt, I was so scared.

" Clara , Clara wake up." -
She was really unconscious. She was not even breathing. God please

I saw the health records , I can't believe she risked her life for me.

Just then a text came into my phone

" sir I found her identity, that fake nuella is a nurse in aghc, her name is Clara David" and I was so shocked.

I get it now. I understand now. Why I had a weak spot for you all the while. It's you , why couldn't I guess.

She was clumsy and crazy just like you
She cared about me , just like you
My looked up so my tears won't fall. God!
She can't just die like this.

"Clara I have not even thanked you for saving Anna, for saving me . I ..... I have not even been treating you right . So-

" don't do this. I will  to be your friend, i would talk to you , I would spend more time together, I would respond to all your good morning and sir how are you texts from now on, I promise.
You said you are my angel so where are you going to without me "

I hugged her tight... suddenly she started breathing  but not properly.

I carried her into my arms . I need to get her out of here. It's better we get hurt while trying to leave than to stay in here and get burnt.

I got to the door which was burning then I kicked it down, the fire grew

"Sir Ryan hang in there, don't move, the fire department are on it —

"Sir Ryan move away from the fire, step back -

And before i knew  it the fire disappeared.
People rushed in to help out but I just didn't want to let go of Clara. They carried the health records out.

I carried her out so they nurses took her from me. I watched them push her into the hospital. Samantha came to me

"Sir we have roughly one hour. Luckily Judging from her record it's a minor case." She said I nodded

I forced myself to look at the records then I got ready for surgery

We all watched Ryan quietly, he looked so confused. He stood facing the dying woman quietly 

" where is Clara " he said to me, looking really sad.
" she is with -
" just bring her here" he said
" yes sir" I said

I rushed after Clara, they matron already applied some treatment and changed her clothes, she still lay unconsciously.

I pushed her into the operating room then I kept   Her a little far from sir Ryan. I hanged her drip then I returned to my post.

Ryan was not even  0 percent focused. He wore his gloves then started surgery without turning on the surgery lights, Samantha carefully turned on the lights.

He opened the woman's abdomen.

" scissors... sorry I mean scalpel " he said and Samantha gave it him.

Lucky for us, Samantha is very smart so she knew what Ryan wanted even before he said it.

He carefully opened the area then slipped his hands in.

" toothed forceps... not that , sorry. I mean... " he just breathed out tiredly , his pupils dilated

" smooth forceps " Samantha said then gave it to him.

"Scalp- no , sorry. towel clamps " he said , his eyes on Clara. I gave it to him

" is Clara even breathing properly.  check her blood pressure , her temperature and heart beat too " he said

I ran to Clara and did what he asked. I wrote the figures for him on the glass wall. He nodded so I rushed back

" s.s, no

" d.cs needle" Samantha said then gave him

" yea " he replied she smiled

Finally he was done with the most difficult part. If his attention and eyes wasn't on Clara he would have been done by now.

" vascular towels ... no-

" vascular clamps" Samantha said then gave him

"AH's forceps " he said and she gave him

" sharp toothed hook" he said and she gave him

" Tamp forceps " he said and I gave him.

Finally stage one is out. His eye was on Clara through out this surgery, God help us

" needle holders" he said , Samantha gave it to him. He caught his breath then gave it back to her.

" Samantha unify her tissues and complete the surgery" he said removing his gloves . She nodded

" Don't make mistakes. You can do it right?" he said removing the bracelet in her hand . She took a deep breath then nodded

" ok, use staplers, don't use tape" he said then he walked away, Samantha took charge.

First in history Ryan didn't complete his surgery, he just rushed over to Clara

I watched him inject something into her drip then he regulated it. He checked her heart beat then he covered her well.

After a while He just brushed her hair behind. I just watched him quietly , In wonder.

" surgery was a success" Samantha said and we all clapped. She was so proud of herself. She looked at sir Ryan in a happy smile and he smiled at her. 

" check patient again by 9am" she said and I wrote down .

We all walked out and I watched sir Ryan place his head on the bed beside Clara

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