Chapter 11

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Cameron's P.O.V
Ever since I kissed Karma she has been silent
I helped her to take her pills and she mumbled a thank you but that's all. "Karma, are you okay?" I asked and she nodded. "Look, Cameron the kiss was a mistake, I get it. You don't have to pretend." She said and I sighed. Maybe I should give her some space. "I'll go get some clothes from your house." I said.
"Why?" She asked.
"You're gonna be staying with me for awhile." I replied.
"What about my dad? I can't just leave him."
"You're not staying there, I don't care what you say." I said. "But-"
"No." I said walking out.
Justin's P.O.V
"Hey baby, have you seen Cameron?" I asked Melody. Oh yea we're together. "No."
"Have you seen Karma?"
"No." She said and I wrapped my arms around her waist. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I just don't feel like talking a lot today." She replied and I nodded kissing her cheek. My phone vibrated and she took it up. "Ashley? Why is Ashley texting you?" She asked. Oh about that. Remember how I said I was never with a girl for more than one night, Ashley was kinda my sex toy, we'd do it, very often. "Um, i-i don't know." I replied nervously. She rolled her eyes and placed the phone down. She took up her things walking away. "Mel c'mon." O said but she ignored me. I took up my phone and read the message. It said 'Janitor's closet, blow job right now.'- A
'Not today.' -J. I replied I really wasn't in the mood right now. I got up and went to find Melody.
Karma's P.O.V
"And remember stay hydrated with water and take your pills everyday." The nurse reminded. I smiled and nodded. "That's a very nice boyfriend you have there, don't let him go." She said and I looked at Cameron putting my pills into my bag. I guess he's nice. "You ready?" He asked.
"Yea." I replied and he nodded lifting me up bridal style. "What're you doing?" I asked.
"You thought I'd make you walk?"
"Cameron people are staring." I whispered.
"It doesn't matter." He said and I buried my face into his neck.
~minutes later~
We pulled up in his drive way and i stepped out. "I'll walk." I said even though I felt weak as fuck. "The sedative's still in your system so you're weak."
"I'm fine." I said then took a step. I wish I hàd stayed where I was because I suddenly felt lightheaded. I closed my eyes and held on to the car. I was again lifted up by Cameron. "You're way too stubborn." He said as he walked with me. "Mom! I'm home!" He shouted. "Wait." She said then came infront of us. "Put her down." She said and he did. "You poor baby." She said grabbing me and hugging me. "Mom, who did you tell?" Cameron asked. "Not alot, just everyone at church, your uncle Bobby, your aunt Tessa, your cousins, grandpa,grandma and some people at the supermarket." She replied. Wow that's not a lot at all (note the sarcasm). "We have a room fully prepared for you." She added. "Of course you guys do because she's staying in my room." Cameron said and she shook her head no. "She's a girl, she needs her own space." She said. They're acting as if I'm not here. "Karma, my room's huge you'll enough space to create an amusement park." Cameron said looking at me. "Fine." She sighed. What? Why couldnt my mom be so accepting. He lifted up again and took me up to his room. This wasnt the room I stayed in the night of the party. This one was way bigger. He placed me on the bed and started talking. I wasn't really listening until he asked "Did you hear me?"
"Never mind, are you hungry?"
"A little but you don't have to get me anything." I replied and he nodded then walked out. I wish I had his life. His house was huge, his room was huge, he had a whole lot of cars and most of all his parents loved him to death, I think. I was bored and it's been like ten minutes since Cameron left so I went downstairs. An amazing aroma was coming from the kitchen and I couldn't stop myself from seeing what it was. I went in there to see Cameron at the stove, by the smell of things he could cook. "Here you go." He said handing me plate of... No. How did he know? Fettuccine, my favourite food of all time.(pic at side). I slowly lifted the fork to my mouth, oh my god, this is literally the best fettuccine I've ever had. I closed my eyes and he chuckled. "Oh my god where did you learn to cook this good?" I asked.
"It's kinda something, you learn to do when you're left alone alot." He replied and I nodded. He handed my pills and a glass of water while he had beer. For some reason I missed the taste of alcohol in my mouth. "Cameron could I havs some please?" I asked pointing at the beer. "No, are you crazy? Are you not aware that you have kidney... Problems?"
"Cameron, you can disease it's not a dirty word and yea I know but, please?"
"Fine." I said taking the pills. I got up and went back upstairs. Why can't I just be normal? Why can't I drink beer or vodka without worrying if I'm gonna collapse? My life sucks ass.
(A/N: Sorry bout the loooong time of not updating. I was taking a break from my electronics, worse decision of my life BTW and I know that for the long wait this chapter is kinda poop but the next one will b better I promise. Xoxo)-C

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